
yǔ shēng
  • Voice;language
语声 [yǔ shēng]
  • [language] 说话的声音

语声[yǔ shēng]
  1. 中青年组认知障碍表现在触摸操作总时间、记形、语声、范畴分测验成绩较差.而老年前期表现在精细运动和记忆功能较差。

    At young and middle-aged group , cognition disorders mainly included worse test scores of total touch operating time - shape memory and language , while at pre-elderly aged group , cognition disturbance included worse fine movement and memory .

  2. 这么开朗的脸色,这么善意的笑容,这么清澈的语声,似乎使生活有了节日的气氛。

    That bright face , that easy smile , that liquid voice , seemed to give life a holiday aspect .

  3. 一种基于DSP+UART架构的语声IC开发系统

    A Phonetic IC Developing System Based on DSP + UART Framework

  4. 基于Bark小波变换参数的语音寂声/语声段检测

    Silence / Voice Segment Detection of Speech Signals Based on Bark Wavelet Transform Parameters

  5. 用于实时语声识别的连续VQ聚算法

    A Continuous VQ Clustering Algorithm for Realtime Speech Recognition

  6. 应用LPC技术的微机语声响应系统

    A Microcomputer Voice Response System Using LPC Technique

  7. 非线性离散时间耳蜗力学建模、Volterra泛函分析及在语声处理中的应用

    Nonlinear Discrete-Time Cochlear Mechanics : Modelling and Its Volterra Functional Analysis with Applications to Speech Signal Processing

  8. 基于LMA声道模型的语声合成新方法

    A new synthesis method based on the LMA vocal tract model

  9. 本文初步讨论了CATV的特点,对ATM上LAN、语声、电视的接入,CATV与HFC的ATM应用给出了基本框图和一般使用方法。

    The paper primarily discusses the characteristics of CATV , and presents the flow chart and operation skill for jointing the LAN , tone and television onto the ATM , and the application of ATM and HFC .

  10. 尽管码激励线性预测编码(CELP)算法在中、低比特速率中已提供了较好的语声质量,但对随机码本的全搜索,其计算是极其复杂的。

    Although CELP ( Code-Excited Linear Predictive ) has provided good quality synthetic speech at medium and low bit rates , yet the computation of exhaustive search for stochastic code book is extremely complex .

  11. 智能语声图书是以语音芯片FS20C01作为核心处理器的应用方案。

    Intelligent voiced book is the application technique based on the core processor the voice chip FS20C01 ;

  12. 此外,本文还介绍了一个以CVQC为基础的语声控制计算机命令输入系统。

    And a custom available voice controlled computer command input system based on CVQC is also introduced .

  13. 根据语声控制过程的基本原理,讨论了实现系统的硬件方案,提出了一种采用高速DSP芯片TMS32010实现并能独立工作的硬件结构;

    Based upon the basic principle of speech control , the system hardware scheme is discussed and architecture of the hardware , realized on the basis of a high - performance DSP chip-TMS 32010 and working independent of other computers , is put forward .

  14. 指出,电视机等电器发出的语声,是最为严重的干扰噪声。为此,本文引入ANC方法这一有效的语音增强技术,提出了一种用于家用电器声控制技术的干扰噪声消除方案。

    Therefore , the speech signal enhancement technique , automatic control engineering and room acoustics are used to solve the very problem the noise , interference problem in the voice control technique for household appliances In this paper , the adaptive noise cancelling ( ANC ) system is designed .

  15. 在介绍语声处理部分基本构成及性能的基础上,提出了一种用于准连续语音音节分割的最大共振峰检测算法MFDS和一种新的快速动态规划匹配算法FSDP。

    After introducing the structure and basic performance of speech acoustic processor , two algorithms were proposed , one is for voice detection and syllable seperation of continuous speech , by Maximum Formant ( MFDS ) . The other is for Fast speed Dynamic programming matching of pattern .

  16. BJD&I汉语理解系统的语声处理

    The Acoustic Processing of BJD & ⅰ Chinese Speech Understanding System

  17. 自适应噪声抵消语声增强的实时后处理算法

    Real-time post-treatment algorithm for adaptive noise cancellation used in speech enhancement

  18. 在消防监控界面中,语音信号的适宜语声为女中音。

    The appropriate tune for fire information display interface was mezzo-soprano .

  19. 嘶哑语声实时伪彩色功率谱分析

    Realtime Pseudocolor Encoding Power Spectral Analysis of Hoarse Speech Signals

  20. 语声中速率多脉冲压缩编码的新方法

    New Method of Intermediate Rate Multi-Pulse Compression Coding for Speech

  21. 本文将提出一种新的语声编码方法。

    In this paper , a new method for speech coding is proposed .

  22. 晚上它来歌唱,白天有珂赛特的语声。

    By night it will sing , and by day Cosette will prattle .

  23. 语声歇了过后,他的眼睛也合上了。

    When he had spoken , his eyes closed .

  24. 语声渐渐沉寂,脚步声愈去愈远。

    The words died away , the steps were lost in the distance .

  25. 语声信号图形数据连续打印系统

    A Continuously Printed System of the Voice Graphic Data

  26. 低比特率语声编码器的新发展

    The New Development of Low Bit-Rate Speech Coders

  27. 计算机语声动态谱实时伪彩色编码显示研究

    A Study on the Realtime Pseudocolor Encoding Display of Dynamic Spectrum of Speech Signals

  28. 一种用于喉部疾病语声诊断的新的声带模型

    A New Kind of Vocal Cords Model for the Speech Diagnosis of Laryngeal Diseases

  29. 蒂托觉得这语声很熟,带着一种特殊的尖声腔调。

    Tito thought he knew the voice , which had a peculiarly sharp ring .

  30. 瓦尔什函数在语声回波抑制中的应用

    The Walsh Function Applied to Speech Echo Suppression