
yǔ wén
  • Chinese;language and literature;Chinese as a subject of study
语文 [yǔ wén]
  • (1) [language and literature]∶语文和文学的简称

  • (2) [Chinese as a subject of study ]∶语言和文字

  • 他的语文程度怎样?

语文[yǔ wén]
  1. B:是的。作业堆积如山,数学、化学、语文……我直到午夜才做完。

    B : Yes , I was.Mountains of homework , math , chemistry , Chinese ... I didn 't finish it until midnight .

  2. 他今年要参加语文考试。

    He is going to take the Chinese test this year .

  3. 写作能力是语文能力的最高形式的检测。

    The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence .

  4. 多读与多写相辅相成,是学好语文的两种方法。

    Complementing more reading with writing is an effective way to learn language .

  5. 拉丁美洲与盎格鲁美洲不但有不同的语文,还有不同的文化。

    The distinctions between Latin America and Anglo America are not merely linguistic but also cultural .

  6. 我的寄宿母亲是一位语文老师,她真的很热心。

    My host mother is a Chinese teacher and she is really warm-hearted .

  7. 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(LanguageDays)。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语文的使用和文化多样性,并促进六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。

    Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization .

  8. 汉和辞典是日本语文词典的一个主要门类

    Kanwa dictionary is a main kind of Japanese philological dictionary .

  9. 语文学对你不会有很大用途。

    Philology would never be of much use to you .

  10. 主张语文纯正的人哀叹语言趋于不纯。

    Purists bemoan the corruption of the language .

  11. 我们的语文老师昨天病了。

    Our Chinese teacher was sick yesterday .

  12. 我们不能假定说,学习某种语文就会吸收某种价值观

    We cannot assume that merely learning a language imbues one with any kind of value system .

  13. 中文是全世界使用人数最多的语言,在联合国的六种正式语文中,中文是唯一一个由单一国家使用的官方语言。

    Chinese is the most spoken language in the world , and among the six official languages of the United Nations , it is the only official language used by a single country .

  14. 这一建议在网上引发了热议。许进在建议中表示,义务教育阶段,英语等外语课程不再设为与语文和数学同等的主课,增加体育、音乐、艺术等素质教育课程占比。

    In the proposal , Xu said that English should not be a core subject like Chinese and math during compulsory education and more course hours should be given to improving students ' skills in physical education , music and art .

  15. 显性形态以独立的语文课程形态出现。

    The non-hidden appearance with the independent language course appearance emerge .

  16. 因为她的英语、数学、语文都非常好。

    Because Her Englsh , Maths and Chinese is very good .

  17. 新课标下的中学语文问题教学初探

    The Explore of Chinese Problem-based Teaching Based the New Course Criterion

  18. 当代国外语文教育目标比较及其启示

    Comparison between Contemporary Foreign Language Teaching Education Objectives and the Inspiration

  19. 我国小学语文识字教学的反思

    The Reflection on the Teaching of Chinese Literacy in Primary School

  20. 初中语文课堂教学管理对新课程适应性研究

    Research on the Adaptability of Classroom Management to the New Curriculum

  21. 语文教育应尊重教师的发展。

    The language education should respect the teacher 's development .

  22. 语文教学知识包括显性教学知识和缄默教学知识。

    Language teaching knowledge includes explicit teaching knowledge and tacit teaching knowledge .

  23. 新课程高中语文发现式阅读教学探索

    New Curriculum High School Language Discovery Type Reading Teaching Exploration

  24. 百年语文功能观的演进

    The development of the Chinese language function outlook in recent 100 years

  25. 所有这些原则关系到语文综合性学习开展的成败。

    All these principles relate to the result of Chinese Integrated Learning .

  26. 新型中学语文教师如何生成?

    How to train the new-typed middle school Chinese teachers ?

  27. 锡伯语文的发展表现出几个很明显的阶段。

    The development of the Sibo language are featured by several stages .

  28. 通过信息技术课可以进一步培养学生的语文基本技能。

    Another advantage lies in calculating the basical Chinese skills .

  29. 高职大学语文课的知识体系与授课模式

    The Knowledge System and Teaching Model of Chinese Course in Vocational College

  30. 充满理想色彩的语文教育改革&对语文新课程标准的实施及师资培训的几点思考

    New Curriculum Criterion of Chinese Language Teaching and Teacher Training