
  • 网络linguistic assimilation;language assimilation
  1. 对语言同化和语言多样化进行了经济学解释,并分析了这一对貌似相反的变迁方向均衡的可能性。

    This Chapter gives an economic interpretation of the diversification and assimilation of language , and analyzes the possibility of equilibrium of these two directions of language change .

  2. 外来词在被本国语言所完全同化前,通常都加上引号。

    Until borrowed words are fully assimilated into the language they are often put in inverted commas .

  3. 国家统治者为了政治上的目的会采取各种强制或非强制的手段来传播自己的优势语言,实现语言同化政策,以此来维护国家的统一并提升国家在国际上的地位。

    The government of a country would use every means to spread their language in order to consolidate their state power .

  4. 本文用集合论语言精确表述认知同化原理,赋予知识链和知识网确切意义,并给出知识结、知识丛和同化作用强度等新定义。

    By using the set theory , the assimilation theory is exactly expressed , the precise meaning of knowledge chain and net are given , knowledge knot , bundle andassimitation intensity are defined .

  5. 不过,根据辞典编纂单位之一花莲东华大学,台湾原住民语言正因文化同化现象而死亡中。

    Taiwan 's indigenous languages , however , are dying out because of cultural assimilation , according to National Dong Hwa University in Hualien , which was one of the compilers of thee-dictionary .

  6. 本文作者从语言学习的认知同化过程的几点要素,就阅读中段落的整体概念和写作中事例的组织之间认知辨证关系展开了讨论。

    In the light of some essentials in the cognitive assimilation of TEFL ( Teaching English as a Foreign Language ), the paper discusses the mutual relationship of the cognition between reading and writing ;

  7. 最后本章讨论了一般制度的多样化和趋同与语言多样化和语言同化的相似性。在第八章对上述章节进行了简短的总结之后,余论中作者讨论了经济学的语言与经济学原则。

    Moreover , I discuss the similarity of the diversification and convergence of general institutions with those of language . Finally , after a short conclusion in chapter ⅷ, the rest part of the paper discusses the language of economics and the principle of economics , i.e. , economy .