
yǔ yán xué xí
  • language learning
  1. 这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。

    This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning .

  2. 阅读在语言学习中至关重要。

    Reading is of vital importance in language learning .

  3. 把英语作为第二语言学习可能会是一种痛苦的经历。

    Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience .

  4. 我们邀请您加入我们的语言学习之旅。

    We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning .

  5. 我们的强化课程以我们的标准课程为基础,每周增加10节课,保证语言学习尽可能快地进行(见下表)。

    Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course , with 10 additional lessons per week , guaranteeing the fastest possible language learning ( see table below ) .

  6. 许多教师都支持在语言学习中使用ipad。

    Many teachers are supporters of using iPads in language learning .

  7. 成功的语言学习者经常看电视上的英语节目,听英语歌曲。

    Successful language learners often watch English programs on TV and listen to English songs .

  8. 为了解决这种情况,英国政府正在寻找不同的方法来改善学校的语言学习情况。

    To solve this situation , the British government is looking for different ways to improve language learning at school .

  9. 由此你可以看出,英国人以不讲外语而闻名,而且他们在欧洲也不算是很好的语言学习者。

    From this you can see that the British people are famous for not speaking foreign languages and that they are not good language learners in Europe .

  10. 2.Immerse耳濡目染了解英美文化可以成为语言学习的一部分。

    Understanding British or American culture can be a part of language learning .

  11. 或者你可以订阅能够互动的网站。它不仅提供了许多有趣的在线学习的方式,而且还提供了和其他语言学习者见面和交谈的机会!

    Or you can subscribe to interactive web pages that not only provides many interesting ways of online learning but the chance to meet and speak with other language learners too !

  12. 目前PASS算法已经被成功地应用于清华大学出版社的互动式语言学习系统中。

    The system has been successfully adopted by the Tsinghua University Press interactive language learning system .

  13. 语言学习认知法和EFL教学改革

    A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning and EFL Teaching Reform

  14. Johnson(2001)认为语言学习者以及语言输出的特点之一就是情感很重要。

    Johnson ( 2001 ) considered the characteristic of the language output is that affection is very important .

  15. 本研究以自主语言学习模式和网络辅助教学为理论框架,设计了一个基于Web数据库的英语自主听力系统,通过实验方法检验中国中等英语水平的学习者使用这一系统进行听力训练的效果。

    A study was performed to explore the effectiveness of listening learning with a Web-based Self-access Listening Learning System , which was designed on the basis of the language teaching theories of SALL and IALL .

  16. 在100M以太网络环境下,数字化语音室中数据传输要达到《数字语言学习系统技术规范》甲类标准,按传统的TCP/IP协议方式是行不通的。

    According to The Rule of Digital Language Study System , a standard , data transport is no way under 100M Ethernet if we used TCP / IP protocols .

  17. 随着网络的普及,Internet对英语教学产生了不可忽视的影响,不仅创造了良好的语言学习环境,丰富了教学内容,提高了教学效果,而且也带来教学管理、时间安排等新的问题。

    With the popularity of network , internet has exerted an influence upon English teaching which can not be neglected . It provides good environment for English study , enriches teaching content , improves teaching achievement , brings about new problems of teaching management and scheduling as well .

  18. Flavell,O'Malley,Chamot和Oxford就是其中杰出的几位。他们从不同角度对语言学习策略进行了全面科学地、系统地分类和论述。

    Flavell , O'Malley , Chamot and Oxford are among these prominent researchers , who categorized and expounded language learning strategies scientifically and systematically from different angles .

  19. 此项调查研究采用Oxford编制的语言学习策略(SILL)作为调查英语学习者使用元认知策略的工具,又以英语专业四级考试成绩作为衡量学习水平的标准。

    Oxford 's ( 1990 ) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ( SILL ) was utilized to measure metacognitive strategy preferences , while the results of Test for English Majors ( TEM 4 ) were adopted as a measurement of English proficiency .

  20. 实验2-A考察了初中级水平的汉语言学习者偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 2-A studies the modifier + the modified / verb + object ambiguous phrases reading patterns by Chinese learners of elementary and intermediate levels .

  21. 3)以有声思维法及Chamot的认知性语言学习方法(CALLA)为基础进行元认知阅读策略训练能有效的提高高职高专学生的阅读水平。

    Thirdly , the training , based on the " think-aloud method " and Chamot 's " Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach " ( CALLA ), proves to be able to make higher vocational students perform better and learn more in reading comprehension .

  22. 第二部分论述了语言学习兴趣理论。

    The second part discusses the interest in language learning theory .

  23. 关于高中生语言学习观念的研究

    A Study on Beliefs about Language Learning of Senior Middle School Students

  24. 思维方式对语言学习具有一定影响。

    Modes of thinking have certain influence on language learning .

  25. 阅读是语言学习的重要环节,语篇理解并非是一个简单的语言解码过程。

    Reading is one of the most important steps in language learning .

  26. 英语语言学习中跨文化交际因素的重要性

    The Importance of Cross-cultural Communication Factors in English Language Learning

  27. 不同年龄的第二语言学习者是否需要不同的教学方法?

    Do students of difference ages need different teaching methods ?

  28. 通过借鉴语言学习理论,对此问题展开了研究。

    Then I began my study with reference to language learning theories .

  29. 有好的老师就是语言学习成功的一半。

    A good instructor is half the equation for successful language learning .

  30. 语言学习的过程是语言输入、吸收、输出的过程。

    Language learning is the process of input , absorption and output .