
yǔ yán xué
  • linguistics;philology
语言学 [yǔ yán xué]
  • [philology;linguistics] 对文学的研究,包括或可能包括语法、评论、文学史、语言史、文学体系及任何与文学有关或与使用于文学的语言有关的内容

语言学[yǔ yán xué]
  1. 学生可以就计算语言学的任何一个方面展开研究。

    Students may pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics .

  2. 现代语言学在19世纪作为一个独立的领域出现。

    Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth century .

  3. 如果到说某种语言的国家去,就会把这种语言学得更好。

    You learn a language better if you visit the country where it is spoken .

  4. 该调查研究在语言学研究领域的重要性应该会得到证实。

    The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics

  5. 这些观点迅速成为语言学中新的正统观念。

    These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics

  6. 她头脑聪明,学语言学得快,各门考试都顺利地通过。

    She was bright , learned languages quickly , and sailed through her exams

  7. 避谈语言学问题。

    Keep the conversation off linguistic matters .

  8. 该校“作为外语的英语教学”有两个模块:即语言教学的原则与方法和应用语言学。

    The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language , viz . Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics .

  9. 她具有学习语言学的天赋。

    She has a genius for linguistics .

  10. 历史、文学和语言学属于人文学科。

    History , literature and linguistics are among the arts .

  11. 解释学作为一种批评话语一直强调其语言学范式。

    As a critical discourse , hermeneutics has involved a linguistic paradigm .

  12. 这是最常见并通用于各种场合的英式惊叹词之一。从语言学上来说,“Bloodyhell”是一种避免爆粗的委婉表达。“bloody”应该是“ByOurLady”(即圣母玛利亚)的缩略语。

    One of the most common and versatile2 of British exclamation3 , ' Bloody hell ' is what we linguistics4 call a minced5 oath , as the word ' bloody ' is probably a shortening of ' By Our Lady ' ( i.e. the Virgin6 Mary ) .

  13. 在西方,文语文学则附属于语言学。

    In west , the philology is attached to the linguistics .

  14. 她打算学习应用语言学课程。

    She plans to take a course in applied linguistics .

  15. 她在从事语言学的研究。

    She is pursuing her linguistic researches .

  16. 中动结构(middleconstruction)作为一种特殊的句法和语义结构在近几十年内成为语言学界中一个广泛讨论的话题。

    The middle construction has been a widely discussed topic in syntactic studies of recent decades .

  17. 结合人工智能研究领域的自然语言理解、智能代理和计算机语言学理论,我们能够利用Internet这个大型数据库,从中挖掘有用的信息。

    With the techniques of Natural Language Understanding in Artificial Intelligence field , Intelligent Agent and Computer Language , we can mine useful information from the huge database - Internet .

  18. 2)以吃/eat为例在认知语言学(CL)框架中阐述了构造的特征。

    The feature of construction is explained within the framework of CL with " Chi / eat " as examples ;

  19. 认知语言学对句法的研究通常聚焦于构造语法,以期能为语言提供一个统一的分析方法,同时也有力地批判了TG的基本假设,因而受到国内外认知语言学家的普遍关注。

    The cognitive linguistic approach to syntax goes under the name of Construction Grammar , which is purported to offer a unified account of language .

  20. 跨文化交际具有多学科、跨学科的性质,因此自从成为一门学科以来其研究路径有许多,如人类学、沟通学(communication)、语言学、符号学等,其中语言学的研究路径非常重要。

    Due to its interdisciplinary nature , intercultural communication has had a variety of approaches since it became a subject , such as those of anthropology , communication , linguistics and semiotics , among which linguistic approach is of great importance .

  21. CDA理论对国内的语言学及其他学科的发展乃至对语言的教学都有着重要的现实意义。

    CDA is significant to the development of linguistics and some other subjects even to the language education at home .

  22. 阐述了采取C语言学用结合的方法培养学生自主学习能力,学用结合设计程序的过程,以及程序设计过程中资料搜集的重要性。

    This paper introduces the importance of studying by oneself , it takes the method of studying and using C language to develop the ability of studying by oneself , the procedure of studying and using program designing and the importance of data collecting .

  23. Goodman(1971)指出阅读理解是一场心理语言学的游戏。

    Goodman ( 1971 ) points out that reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game and it Involves an interaction between thought and language .

  24. Swain所提出的输出假设理论认为,语言输出具有三种功能:注意功能,检验假设功能和元语言学功能。

    Many applied linguistic researchers have showed great concern to the noticing function of output since Swain puts forward the Output Hypothesis .

  25. 句法加工的脑机制是心理语言学比较关注的问题,目前由于ERP技术和功能成像技术的进步,使对这一机制的探讨成为可能。

    The brain mechanism of syntactic processing is a very important issue in the study of psycholinguistics . With the development of technique of ERP and functional imaging , the possibility to study the brain mechanism of syntactic processing has emerged .

  26. 自Halliday于1976年系统地提出衔接理论之后,在语言学界引起了极大的兴趣,但对衔接和连贯也一直存在着争论。

    Halliday put forward the theory of cohesion and coherence in 1976 and hereafter it has attracted much attention of many linguists and also become a contentious topic in the field of textual linguistics .

  27. 2003上海语料库语言学国际会议的议题包括:(1)基于CLEC的中国英语学习者中介语分析;

    The 2003 International Conference on Corpus Linguistics at Shanghai covered six areas in corpus linguistics : ( 1 ) CLEC-based analysis of Chinese learner English as interlanguage ;

  28. 根据Halliday和Hasan的系统功能理论,衔接和连贯作为语篇的重要特征是语篇语言学研究的核心。

    According to Halliday and Hasan 's theory , cohesion is one of the linguistic features of text and it , together with coherence in discourse , is the core of the study of text linguistics .

  29. 其次,研究还结合了Halliday的系统功能语言学中三大元功能的学说,在词汇句法的层面对索赔信进行了某些话步的语言策略分析,这是对体裁分析理论的补充。

    The research also draws on the three metafunctions in Halliday 's systemic functional linguistics to find out some linguistic strategies associated with certain moves on its lexico-grammatical level , which is a complementary part to the methodology of the genre study .

  30. 随着语言学的发展,尤其是功能语法和篇章语言学的出现,人们愈发意识到照应关系的重要性,Halliday(1976)把名词的省略甚至是超越句段的语义关系称之为照应关系。

    Along with the development of linguistics , especially with the appearance of functional grammar and discourse linguistics , more people have been aware of the importance of anaphora . Halliday ( 1976 ) even regards the ellipses of nouns beyond the boundary of sentences as anaphoric .