
  • 【计】language selection
  1. 从现有模板的列表中为选中的数据库和语言选择Deploy&Run:IN/OUTparameters模板。

    Select the Deploy & Run : IN / OUT parameters template from the list of available templates for the selected database and language .

  2. 当然,首先想到的就是Java语言选择的元数据形式&注释。

    Of course , annotations the Java language 's choice for metadata should immediately come to mind as the solution .

  3. 您可以根据服务器端编程语言选择您最喜欢的IDE。

    You can choose your favorite IDE according to the server-side programming language .

  4. Schematron实现现在可以根据期望的语言选择正确的diagnostic。

    Schematron implementations can now select the right diagnostic based on the language expected .

  5. 语言选择:有七种OSD菜单语言可供选择。

    Language selection : There are seven kinds of OSD menu languages to choose from .

  6. 本系统的开发语言选择Java,开发工具是MyEclipse,数据库系统选择SqlServer2005,服务器操作系统为Windows2003Server。

    The system development language Java , development tools is the MyEclipse , the selection of database system SQL Server 2005 server operating system , Windows 2003 Server .

  7. 以短篇小说TheYellowWallpaper为例,探讨了文体学中的mindstyle是如何通过作者在作品中的语言选择来实现的,包括词汇、结构、上下文和衔接等。

    This paper , taking The Yellow Wallpaper as an example , illustrates how the mind style in a literary work is realized through the language choices by the author . The analyses are made in terms of vocabulary , structure , context and cohesion .

  8. 情景语境与广告语篇的语言选择

    The Choice of Language in Contest of Situation and Advertising Discourses

  9. 移除语言选择框,自动选取预设语言。

    Remove the language selection box and choses the default language .

  10. 企业设计会计电算化软件的语言选择

    The Language Selection of Enterprises ' designing the computerized Accounting Software

  11. 从语言选择可以看出人的思维取向。

    Through language , we can perceive people 's thinking orientation .

  12. 多种语言选择,中文、俄文和英文。

    Kinds of languages for chosing , Chinese , English and Russian .

  13. 文化语境影响下的广告语言选择

    Context of Culture and Language Choice in Advertising Discourse

  14. 外地来沪白领青年的语言选择

    Language Choice of White-collar Youth as Immigrants in Shanghai

  15. 从广告英语看语言选择的语用价值

    The Pragmatic Value of Language Selection in Advertising English

  16. 其语言选择具有明显的变异性和协商性。

    Its language has obvious variability and consultative .

  17. 社会因素对媒体语言选择的影响

    Influence of Social Factors to Media Language Choices

  18. 在言语交际中,语言选择主要是为了适应语言语境和交际语境。本论文集中讨论的是交际语境,并且分别从物理世界、社交世界、心理世界和交际双方四个维度进行研究。

    In communication , linguistic choice is affected by both linguistic and communicative context .

  19. 前景化与文学翻译的译文语言选择策略

    Foregrounding and Language Choice Strategy in Literary Translation

  20. 作者或读者所进行的所有语言选择是为了达到语境顺应。

    Linguistic choices made by the language users are to adapt to the context .

  21. 结果显示买卖双方的性别差异也影响其在交易中的语言选择。

    Findings suggest that gender difference between buyers and sellers has impact on language choice .

  22. 多语言选择,是可用于安装。

    Multi-language selection is available for installation .

  23. 多元文化背景下的语言选择&以乌鲁木齐市城市居民为例

    Language Choice among the Multi-lingual Uygurs of Xinjiang : A Case Study in Urumqi City

  24. 通过分析美国的战略语言选择,可以从一个侧面了解美国的战略思维。

    By studying American choice of strategic language , we can understand American strategic thinking .

  25. 话语标记语的使用实际上是语言选择和顺应的过程。

    The use of discourse markers is in fact a process of linguistic choice-making and adaptation .

  26. 第一章主要讨论了什么是语言选择以及语言的性质。

    Chapter one mainly discusses some basic features of making choices and three properties of language .

  27. 而且揭示语言选择背后的文化因素和交际动机。

    Furthermore , this study reveals the cultural factors and motivations lying behind these linguistic choices .

  28. 警示语的语言选择要顺应不同的语境,即交际语境和语言语境。

    The choice of language must adapt to different contexts : communicative context and linguistic context .

  29. 语言选择中的权力顺应性

    Linguistic Choices as Adaptation to Power

  30. 质量条显示标题和语言选择对影片拷贝质量的直接影响。

    A visual quality bar shows how your configuration choices affect the quality of the final copy .