
  • SPEED;Normal speed;speech rate
  1. 我们的语速同样能传达许多信息。

    The speed at which we talk can also convey a great deal

  2. 考虑语速和前后环境的基频Target模型及实现

    Pitch Target Model 's Realization Considering Speech Speed and Environment

  3. 第一个发言者开始讲话了,语速很快,声音相当大。

    The first speaker began to talk , very fast and rather loudly

  4. 例如,跨语言交流时放慢你的语速,发音清晰。

    If you speak different languages , for example , slow your speech and enunciate9 clearly .

  5. M;我觉得他的语速太快,我们根本没法做笔记。Q:男士抱怨什么?

    Q : What did the man complain ?

  6. 文中指出,音节的target必须不受语速影响,但同时受前后语言环境影响,实际的基频曲线是在前后的韵律曲线作用下向target的一个逼近过程。

    In this paper it is proposed that the target of a syllable is independent on speech speed while it is effected by the linguistic environment .

  7. 两组均用自制的不同语速言语录音CD进行测试,比较两组在不同语速下言语辨别率的变化。

    Both tested with self-made fast or slow speech tape , comparing the difference of speech recognition score ( SRS ) between the two groups .

  8. 本文分别从韵律特征、音质特征和MFCC中提取特征参数,韵律特征在声学上通常由基音、振幅和语速等表示。

    The article extracted parameters form quality features , prosodic features and MFCC features Prosodic features usually are comprised of pitch , amplitude and speed .

  9. 在MOS中,文章从系统的整体印象、努力程度、理解程度、语速、发音(重音、停顿)及悦耳程度6个方面进行了评测。

    In MOS test , it includes six items & global impression , ( listening ) effort , ( word ) comprehension , speaking rate , prosody ( stress , pause ) and voice pleasantness .

  10. 王振堂(WangJen-tang)的语速非常缓慢,有足够时间考虑自己想说些什么。而且,他的语调无比温和。

    Wang Jen-tang speaks at a pace slow enough to allow him to ponder over what he wants to say and he is as soft spoken as it gets .

  11. 日资企业nttdata的欧洲、中东、非洲、阿根廷及巴西业务行政总裁托马斯巴尔格海姆(thomasbalgheim)表示,母语为英语的人往往会使用一些晦涩的措辞,而且语速太快。

    Thomas balgheim , chief executive for Europe , the Middle East and Africa , Argentina and Brazil at Japanese-owned NTT data , observes that native English speakers are prone to use hard-to-grasp expressions and talk too quickly .

  12. 目的:探讨感音神经性听力损失(SNHL)与不同语速汉语言语测试之言语辨别率的关系。

    Objective : To find the relationship between sensorineural hearing loss ( SNHL ) and the Chinese word recognition score ( WRS ) of variable speech rates .

  13. 目前的语音识别系统(本文中主要是指IBM的ViaVoice语音识别系统)对语速、音量和音调都具有一定的自适应调整能力。

    The speech recognition 's system ( in this paper we mainly discuss IBM ViaVoice ) has the certain capacity of self-adaptation to the speech velocity , volume and tone , but the capacity of those is not enough with different enunciator .

  14. 中国导游lutishia拿着麦克风站在一辆旅游大巴的前部,开始用汉语讲解关于英国的解说词,语速之快让赛马专家都自愧不如。

    Chinese tour guide luti Shia stands up at the front of a coach with a microphone and launches into her commentary on the UK , speaking Mandarin at a speed that would put horseracing pundits to shame .

  15. 不同语速下语音倒频谱某些特点的初步探讨

    Research on some characteristics of speech cepstrum in various speech rate

  16. 权威人士及威仪之人往往语速比较慢。

    A person in authority , with authority , speaks slowly .

  17. 接近中国人正常的说话语速,有助于培养良好的听力习惯;

    Near to the normal Chinese speaking velocity in actual life ;

  18. 包括教师的“语速”与“语调”。

    Paralinguistic features include the teacher 's speech speed and intonation .

  19. 当我们感到紧张的时候,往往会加快语速。

    When we are nervous we tend to talk too fast .

  20. 这三个要素就是音量、音调和语速。

    The three elements are volume , pitch , and pace .

  21. 他讲话时语速慢而谨慎,从不乱阵脚。

    He speaks slowly and deliberately and is rarely rushed .

  22. 汉语语速与对外汉语听力教学

    Speed of utterance and the teaching of Chinese listening to foreign students

  23. 他的语速有点快,但相当清楚,只是他说话时爱打手势。

    He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly .

  24. 他语速很快,伴随许多手势。

    He speaks fast and with plenty of hand gestures .

  25. 3语音清晰;一种调整汉语语速的新方法

    A New Method of Articulation Rate Modification for Chinese Speech

  26. 目前的语音识别系统对发音人的语速具有一定的自适应调整能力。

    Speech recognition system has certain capacity of self-adaptation to speech velocity .

  27. 虽然,研究人员并未要求受测者刻意模仿语速和停顿。

    They did this without being directed to mimic tempo or pauses .

  28. 汉语连续语音识别的语速自适应算法

    The speaking rate adaptation algorithm in Putonghua continuous speech recognition

  29. 这类客户好动而且语速比较快。

    This kind of prospect will probably move and speak quite rapidly .

  30. 他们把语速放慢,好像在和一个小孩子说话似的。

    They speak slowly as if to a young child .