
  • 网络duke of Normandy
  1. 其后经英王短期统治,1066年诺曼底公爵渡海征服英格兰。

    Then the short-term rule of the king , in 1066 the Duke of Normandy came to conquer England .

  2. 诺曼征服-诺曼底公爵威廉(后来的威廉一世)对英格兰的军事征服,主要通过哈斯丁斯战役战胜了哈罗德二世。

    Norman Conquest - ( 1066 ) Military conquest of England by William , duke of Normandy ( later William I ), mainly through his victory over Harold II at the Battle of Hastings .

  3. 自1066年“诺曼征服(指1066年法国诺曼底公爵威廉对英格兰的入侵和征服-译者注)”以来,英格兰与法兰西的关系以恐惧与敌对并存为特征。

    THE relationship between England and France has been marked by fear and rivalry since the Norman conquest in1066 .

  4. 黑斯廷斯战役(诺曼第的威廉击败英王哈罗德二世的一战)威廉征服者(诺曼底公爵)打败哈若德国王统治下的撒克逊人。

    The battle in which William the Conqueror ( duke of Normandy ) defeated the Saxons under King Harold ( 1066 ) .

  5. 而亨利呢,既确保了安茹南部边界的安稳,也以这一下兰花拂穴手让自己顿时从诺曼底公爵的位置扶摇直上,乃至觊觎英格兰王位,甚至在欧罗巴的舞台上也能大展宏图。

    Henry , on the other hand , had secured the southern borders of Anjou , and at a single stroke had elevated his status from duke of Normandy and pretender to the English throne , to major European player .

  6. 1066年位于欧洲大陆诺曼底的公爵威廉率军入侵;

    In 1066 Duke William with his army from Normandy on European continent invaded ;

  7. 公元1066年,居住在法国北部的诺曼底人在威廉公爵率领下越过英吉利海峡,征服英格兰。

    In1066 , William the Conqueror and his Norman warriors crossed the English Channel , defeated the Anglo-Saxons and made themselves masters of England .