
  1. 我既然谈了跳舞,你就得谈谈舞池的大小以及有多少对舞伴之类的问题。

    I talked about the dance , and you ought to make some kind of remark on the size of the room , or the number of couples .

  2. 歇了几分钟,她第二次跟他攀谈:“现在该轮到你谈谈啦,达西先生。我既然谈了跳舞,你就得谈谈舞池的大小以及有多少对舞伴之类的问题。”

    After a pause of some minutes , she addressed him a second time with : " It is your turn to say something now , Mr. Darcy . -- I talked about the dance , and you ought to make some kind of remark on the size of the room , or the number of couples . "