
  • 网络BlackRock;BlackRock Inc
  1. 我们在这里说出自己的想法,同时也在期待其他大股东,比如贝莱德集团(BlackRock)和先锋集团(Vanguard)等表明立场。

    Really just thinking aloud here , as we wait for other large holders like BlackRock ( BLK ) and vanguard to make their intentions known .

  2. 贝莱德集团(BlackRock)的新兴市场股票交易所基准指数基金下跌了25%,而且大部分下跌是在去年发生的。

    BlackRock 's benchmark exchange traded fund for emerging market stocks is down 25 percent , and most of that decline came in the last year .

  3. 19.布莱克•格罗斯曼职位:前副董事长所在公司:资产管理公司贝莱德集团2010年薪酬合计:33658291美元

    Blake Grossman former vice chairman BlackRock , Inc. 2010 total compensation : $ 33,658,291

  4. 贝莱德基金管理集团(BlackRock)的博多尔(BobDoll)曾预计能从美国证券市场获得两位数的利润率。

    Bob Doll of BlackRock , a fund-management group , expected double-digit gains from the American stockmarket ;