
cái tuán fǎ rén
  • corporate body;juridical person;moneyed corporation
  1. 台湾财团法人医院的法人治理结构

    The corporate governing structure of hospitals of financial group corporate in Taiwan

  2. 财团法人制度主要存在于大陆法系。

    Stiftung mainly present itself in continental law system .

  3. 财团法人国际合作发展基金会

    The International Cooperation and Development Fund

  4. 第二项住宅地震保险基金为财团法人。

    The residential earthquake insurance fund referred to in the second paragraph shall be a foundation .

  5. 此外,结果显示财团法人医院有较大的所得效果。

    Finally , our results show the strongest income effect occurs for non-profit hospitals supported by enterprises .

  6. 社会筹资和财团法人办医;论法人犯罪

    Delivery of medical services through social financing and by corporate bodies ; The Theoretical Foundation of Corporation Crime

  7. 财团法人日本科学协会日文赠书分编概述

    Outline on the Classification Cataloging of Japanese Books Donated by the Financial Group Legal Person Japan Scientific Association

  8. 二登记财产总额新台币一千万元以上之财团法人。

    A foundation established as a juristic person having total registered assets of NT $ 10 millions or more .

  9. 财团法人财产来源和目标实现要求其具有极高的社会公信力。

    The source of property and realization of objective of incorporated foundation requires that it bear high social credit .

  10. 财团法人制度是传统民法最基本和最重要的法人类型之一。

    Stiftung is one of the most important and basic type of Juristische person in traditional civil law system .

  11. 德国、瑞士、意大利的民法典都规定有财团法人制度,并普遍存在着非公益性质的家庭财团法人类型;

    In civil law of Germany , Switzerland and Italy all contains the prescripts of Stiftung and non profit FamilienStiftung .

  12. 财团法人爱知产业振兴机构是爱知县名古屋市的中小企业支援机构。

    Aichi Industry Promotion Organization , located in Nagoya Japan , is a public organization to support small & medium enterprises .

  13. 民法典中应该针对不同类型的财团法人规定不同的设立原则而非笼统地就法人或者财团法人规定某一项设立原则。

    Certain principle should apply to one or some kinds of foundations , but should not apply to all kinds of foundations or incorporated corporation .

  14. 前项安定基金为财团法人,其基金管理办法,由主管机关定之。

    The stabilization funds referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be foundations , and their governing regulations shall be prescribed by the competent authority .

  15. 大陆法系国家私立学校基本上是捐资办学型,在产权制度安排上采取财团法人的形式;

    Private schools in countries of continental legal system fall usually into the type of contributions and take the form of a corporation body in property system .

  16. 第一点创新是将台湾与信息产业相关的众多非营利组织依据性质,分为财团法人与社团法人两类,并分别对两类组织在促进产业和经济发展方面的不同作用进行了研究和比较。

    The first innovation is that to divide many Taiwan non-profit organizations related to information industry into two categories , which are foundation and corporation , and to research them respectively .

  17. 前项特别补偿基金为财团法人。其捐助章程及基金管理办法,由财政部会同交通部定之。

    The special compensation fund shall be a non-profit corporate entity , whose corporate donation articles and fund management rules shall be jointly regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of transportation .

  18. 作者认为,我国未来民法典应当采纳公法人与私法人、社团法人与财团法人的法人分类方法,公益法人包括公益社团法人和财团法人。

    When we compile the Civil Code , we should introduce new ways to classify legal persons , such as public legal person and private legal person , financial legal person and social legal person .

  19. 慈善组织主要是一种财富分配的主体与机制,而非一种权力博弈的主体,因为它是典型的财团法人而非社团法人。

    Charity organization is mainly a kind of body and mechanism to distribute the fortune rather than to pursuit power , because it is a typical legal person of financial group rather than social group .

  20. 与公益捐赠合同相似的有赠与合同和第三人利益合同,还有规则公益事业的诸如财团法人、信托等制度,分析公益捐赠合同的特点。

    And some similarities of the public welfare donation contract , the gift contract and the third person interest from the contract , and some rules in public welfare Consortium Corporation , trust , and so on .

  21. 我国现行立法下的基金会被定义为非营利法人,同时又被划归社会团体法人的行列,这与大陆法系的财团法人制度不同。

    Foundation of China under the current legislation is defined as non-profit legal person and also be classified as the ranks of corporate social groups , which is different with a consortium of civil law legal systems .

  22. 前项特别测验由财政部委托财团法人保险事业发展中心或其它经财政部认可之保险相关机构举办之。

    The special examination referred to in the preceding Article shall be held on behalf of the MOF by the Insurance Institute of the Republic of china , or on behalf of the MOF by another mof-opproved insurance-related organization .

  23. 同时,就财团法人主要制度设计的原则性问题分析研究,为我国财团法人的内部治理、外部监管和税收管理等具体制度安排提供具有建设性的意见。

    At the same time , the dissertation studies the rationales for institutional design of incorporated foundation , and makes constructive suggestions towards the concrete institutional arrangements in China , ranging from internal governance to external regulation and revenue administration .

  24. 同时,对我国民法典立法和民法理论有关社团法人与财团法人分类的取舍之分歧予以简单概括,并指出基金会和法人型民办非企业单位是我国现实存在具有实质意义的财团法人。

    Meanwhile , this chapter sums up the divergence on whether to accept or reject this classification in Chinese civil law theories and the debates about codification , and argues that the foundations and non-state nonprofit corporations are incorporated foundations in essential sense .