
  1. 构建公共财政运行机制的难点何在

    Difficulties of Establishing the Operating Mechanism of Public Finance

  2. 财政运行机制与金融风险探析

    Research on Public Finance System and Financial Risk

  3. 论我国转型期公共财政运行机制的构建

    Constructing the Operating Mechanism of Public Finance

  4. 军事财政运行机制重构

    Re-construction of military financial operation mechanism

  5. 诉讼费用制度改革既涉及到诉讼费用征收中的费用种类、计征方法以及相关司法政策的调整,也涉及到法院财政运行机制的合理化问题。

    Reformation of legal fare system is not only coming down to fare type of legal charge , account means and adjusting of correlative judicial policies , but also coming down to the problem that how to rationalize courts ' finance system .

  6. 试论地方财政职能及其运行机制

    On the Functions of Local Public Finance and its Operating Mechanism

  7. 中西方财政运行状态及运行机制的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Public Financial Operating State and Mechanism of China and the West

  8. 财政监督机制是财政运行机制的重要组成部分和构成要素。

    Financial supervision mechanism is an important part and element of financial operating mechanism .

  9. 加入WTO后,要建立稳固、均衡、较强的广东财政,就必须建立先进的财政运行机制,包括建立先进的财政法规体系、预算体系、国库收付体系;

    After China 's WTO accession , it is necessary to set up a strong , stable , and balanced public finance policy in Guangdong province .

  10. 构建公共财政框架是对财税改革的进一步完善,也是一项与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的财政运行机制。

    Constructing the framework of public finance is further perfection to the reform of finance and tax revenue , and is a finance operational mechanism suited to the system of socialist market economy too .

  11. 国家财政随着国家的产生而出现,一国的政治、经济和文化都对该国的财政职能和财政运行机制产生影响。

    State finance emerges with the formation of state .

  12. 按照建立地方公共财政体系的总体要求,地方发展财政的基本目标可以概括为:建立适应社会主义市场经济发展要求的地方公共财政运行机制,实现地方经济的稳定和可持续发展。

    On the basis of setting up local public finance frame , several basement barges can be summarized as setting up erect local public financial system which fits for social market economy , achieving stable and continual development of local finances .