
huò bì fā xínɡ liànɡ
  • money in circulation
  1. 联邦储备银行严格限制货币发行量的增长。

    The Federal Reserve keeps a tight lid on monetary growth .

  2. 战时货币发行量影响通货膨胀率变动的测算

    Measurement and calculation of the inflation rate influenced by monetary issue in wartime

  3. 货币发行量1500亿元;

    Total volume of currency to be issued should be 150 billion yuan ;

  4. 但是他确实相信政府可以通过控制货币发行量来抑制通货膨胀。

    But he did believe it should control the money supply to fight inflation .

  5. 另一方面,房地产价格的长期稳定增长对货币发行量的稳定增长有重要影响。

    On the other hand , the increase of the real estate price has important influence for the steady increase of currency circulation .

  6. 一些分析家争辩说让人心寒的美国经济数据可能会促使联邦财政部通过购买国库债务来进一步加大货币发行量。

    Some analysts argue that the disappointing recent US data may encourage the Fed to indulge in more quantitative easing , by buying Treasuries .

  7. 第二轮的加大货币发行量,已然引起了物价飞涨和来自国内国外大量指责,极大的打消了美联储再行一轮的热情。

    QE2 was followed by surging commodity prices and vociferous condemnation at home and abroad , extinguishing much of the Fed 's enthusiasm for an encore .

  8. 反通货膨胀的对策主要有:严格控制货币发行量、减少巨额财政赤字、提高劳动生产力和投资效率、充分重视农业、由政府调控物价等。

    The anti-inflation measures include strictly control of currency issuing amount , the reduction of large amount of financial deficit , the increase of labor productivity and the improvement of investment efficiency , strengthening the agriculture , control of prices by goverments .