
  • 网络Monetary Liquidity;Money Liquidity
  1. 在此基础上建立VAR模型,利用协整检验、格兰杰因果检验和VAR模型方程分析研究货币流动性与股价指数之间的相关性;利用脉冲响应函数和方差分解分析货币流动性与股价指数之间的影响关系。

    We use the model of VAR , Granger causality test and Johansen cointegration test to study the correlation between monetary liquidity and stock index . Then we use impulse response functions and variance decomposition to analyze the influence between monetary liquidity and stock index .

  2. 1994~2009年我国货币流动性过剩的测算&基于边限检验法下的货币需求函数

    Measuring the Excess Monetary Liquidity in China & Through the Estimated Money Demand Function Using Bound Test

  3. 在对中国流动性水平的分析中,通过VAR模型分别分析了货币流动性变化给我国实体经济带来的影响以及银行流动性创造异常变动对我国资本市场以及实体商品市场的影响。

    Second , we analysis the impact of bank liquidity creation of abnormal movements to our capital markets and physical commodity markets .

  4. 该文应用Granger因果关系检验、协整分析和误差修正模型,对我国广义货币流动性(M1/M2)作了实证研究。

    This paper carries out a positive research on liquidity of general money using Granger causality test , cointegration approach and error correction model .

  5. 横滨峰会真正的焦点是延续g20首尔峰会的热点,即货币流动性问题、贸易平衡问题。

    The real focus of Yokohama summit was an extension of the hot spots , i.e. , currency liquidity and trade balance , on G20 Seoul summit .

  6. 到去年年末,货币流动性比率(M1/M2)为39.5%,是1997年以来的最高值。

    At the end of last year , the money liquidity ratio ( M1 / M2 ) stood at 39.5 percent , the highest since 1997 .

  7. 我国货币流动性测算方法改进与实证分析

    The Improved Measurements and Empirical Analysis on Currency Liquidity of China

  8. 外资游动与我国货币流动性动态关系研究外流资本,外逃资本

    A Research on Dynamic Relationship between Foreign Capital Moving and Monetary Liquidity

  9. 但也许要更多的货币流动性。

    But greater currency flexibility will also be needed .

  10. 日本和印度货币流动性过剩的成因与对策及其给我国的启示

    The Causes and Countermeasures of Surplus of Liquidity in Japan and India and Its Enlightenment to China

  11. 内容提要我国近年来存在货币流动性和股票价格同时高企的现象。

    It has happened that , in recent years , both monetary liquidity and share prices rise sharply .

  12. 为实现经济平稳增长,政府应密切关注货币流动性变化。

    In order to maintain steady economy growth , the government should pay close attention to the change of monetary liquidity .

  13. 所谓不稳定,就是投资增长率过高,信贷投放过多,货币流动性过大,外贸和国际收支顺差过高。

    Unsteady development means overheated investment as well as excessive credit supply and liquidity and surplus in foreign trade and international payments .

  14. 第五章对我国实现适度货币流动性提出了四点建议。

    In chapter five , the author put forward four pieces of advices on how to achieve the goal of appropriate monetary liquidity .

  15. 高水平的全球货币流动性结合低水平实际利率有助于全球股市的反弹和重新整合。

    A high level of global monetary liquidity combined with a low level of real interest rates contributed to a rally on global stock markets .

  16. 货币流动性指整个金融体系中的货币资金,它反映的是经济和金融交易中资金面的状况。

    Monetary liquidity is the money that used in financial transaction in the whole financial system . It is the reflection of the basis status of capital .

  17. 货币流动性对上证股指的主效应是显著的,即货币流动性的变化会改变上证股指。

    The main effect of monetary liquidity on the Shanghai Stock Index is significant , that is to say changes in monetary liquidity will cause changes in the Shanghai stock index .

  18. 最后,建立调节效应模型,结果表明货币流动性在热钱流动对上证股指的影响机制中所起的调节效应不显著。

    So the mediating effect is significant . Finally , establish moderating effect model . The results show that the moderating effect of monetary liquidity on hot money and Shanghai Stock Index is not significant .

  19. 他表示,亚洲一直过于依赖美元和欧元的流动性。他补充道,印度和韩国受这两种货币流动性减少的冲击尤其严重。

    Asia has been too dependent on liquidity of the dollar and euro , he said , adding that India and South Korea in particular have already suffered from the decline in liquidity in these currencies .

  20. 流动性救助措施使得美国的货币流动性呈现出大幅上升的势头,在此之前并未大幅波动,但是金融机构和金融市场的流动性逆转表现的极为突出。

    Liquidity relief measures has made the currency liquidity of US showing a sharp rise , which did not happened before , but the liquidity reversal occurred in financial institutions and financial market liquidity was extremely prominent .

  21. 第2章概括性地分析了流动性的涵义、度量方法,我国货币流动性的变化特征以及货币流动性变化的影响因素。

    The second chapter , as a basis of following chapters , briefly analyzes the meaning , the measurement methods of liquidity , the characteristic of monetary liquidity and the main factors which influence the changing of liquidity .

  22. 基于此,本文对货币流动性的溢出效应及货币流动性与资产价格之间的关系进行理论分析和实证研究。本文首先对流动性及其溢出的传导机制进行理论分析。

    The dissertation discusses the relationship between monetary liquidity , spillover effect , monetary liquidity and asset prices on the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical research . Firstly , the dissertation analyzes the monetary transmission mechanism of liquidity and overflow scheme in theory .

  23. 第一,还是要控制货币的流动性。

    First , we must control monetary liquidity .

  24. 货币结构流动性下降;

    The circulation of money structure isweakened ;

  25. 我国名义利率调整机制与货币政策流动性陷阱检验

    China 's Nominal Interest Rate Adjustment Mechanism and " Liquidity Trap " Test of Monetary Policies

  26. 但是收紧货币市场流动性是央行深思熟虑出台的政策,可以被迅速扭转。

    But the money market squeeze is a deliberate policy of the central bank and can be quickly reversed .

  27. 在货币市场流动性短缺,金融危机不断恶化的情况下,各种对应政策措施不断出台实施。

    With the shortage of liquidity in the money market and the financial crisis worsen , various corresponding measures are rolled out .

  28. 国家发改委8月29日称全球货币的流动性,输入性通胀和高成本使政府实现全年通胀目标变得日益困难。

    Global liquidity , imported inflation and higher costs will add to government 's difficulty in meeting its full-year inflation target , the National Development and Reform Commission said on Aug.29 .

  29. 尤其是主要国家的央行拥有强大的可信度(不妨看看过去6个月它们为货币市场流动性提供支撑的能力),同时它们清楚自己有关维持低通胀的持续承诺。

    Leading central banks , in particular , have strong credibility witness their ability to support liquidity in money markets over the past six months , while being clear about their continued commitment to low inflation .

  30. 我国自1996年开展公开市场业务以来,公开市场操作作为调节货币市场流动性的重要手段,为我国经济稳定发展起到了很大的作用。

    Since 1996 China began the open market operations , open market transaction as an important mean to controlling the liquidity of the monetary market , has been playing a very significant role for our economic stability and development .