
  • 网络Monetary high
  1. 面对货币超发,物价要经过一段时间后才会向上变动。

    Facing money over issue , commodity prices change up until a period of time .

  2. 他们害怕经济“失控”,倾向于投机性的货币超发以及随之而来笨拙的打压。

    They fear that the economy is ' " beyond control ", prone to speculative excesses followed by clumsy crackdowns .

  3. 其次介绍计量货币超发的理论框架,对货币需求理论的发展及演进进行详细的论述。

    Then introduce the theoretical framework for the measurement of money over issue . Elaborate the development and evolution of money demand theory .

  4. 货币超发冲击对房价上涨的贡献度很高,会对房价上涨产生很大的影响。

    Money over issue shock makes a high contribution to the rising of house prices , it would lay a significant impact on house prices .

  5. 所以,流动性过剩,也即货币超发是导致通货膨胀的必要条件,而货币政策是对流动性最直接有效的控制手段。

    Therefore , the excessive mobility that is super-currency is a requirement for the inflation while monetary policy is the most direct and effective means of control .

  6. 利用年度数据考察1993到2010年货币超发与物价的关系时发现,货币因素是物价上涨的影响因素之一,但不是最主要的原因。

    Using annual data to analyze relationship between the excessive money and commodity prices , we found that money over issue is only one of the factors that push up commodity prices , but not the main factor .

  7. 对于食品的价格分类指数而言,货币超发对蛋、鲜果、鲜菜的影响较大,对肉禽及其制品、粮食、水产品的影响较小。

    As for the price sub-index under food , money over issue takes great influence on eggs , fresh fruits , fresh vegetables . It takes small impact on meal , poultry and their product , grain as well as aquatic product . 3 .

  8. 关于货币供应与经济增长、货币供应与物价水平的理论研究和实证分析非常之多,而对本应该是争论焦点和研究关键的货币超发与计量问题的研究则较少。

    There are many theoretical researches and empirical analysis about money supply and economic growth , money supply and price level , but studies on money over issue and the measure of excessive money is less concerned , which should be focus of discussion and emphasis of research .