
zī chǎn
  • property;means;capital fund;capital;asset
资产 [zī chǎn]
  • (1) [property]∶财产

  • (2) [capital fund;capital]∶企业资金和设备

  • 固定资产

资产[zī chǎn]
  1. 随着火气越来越大,他公开对出售国有资产的一些激进观点表示强烈反对。

    As tempers rose , he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property

  2. 实践中,其可以单独采取资产证券化的融资方式,也可以与其他融资方式尤其与BOT方式配合使用,融资或循环融资效果更佳。

    In practice , it may adopt the financing of property negotiable securities alone or combination with others especially with the BOT way , the latter manner can produce a good result .

  3. 他有价值1千万元的个人净资产。

    He has a personal net worth of $ 10 million .

  4. 这家公司的资产已被冻结。

    The company 's assets have been frozen .

  5. 19%的B2C电子商务公司现在的市值比其资产负债表上的现金额高不了多少。

    19 per cent of B2C companies are now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets .

  6. 该公司列明其流动资产为5,690万美元。

    The company lists its current assets at $ 56.9 million .

  7. 巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产。

    Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets .

  8. 事实上,这个党派的残余分子确实仍然拥有可观的资产。

    The rump of the party does in fact still have considerable assets

  9. 这家银行有充足的流动资产来维持经营。

    The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations .

  10. 价值与日俱增的资产

    An asset that increases in value with the passage of time .

  11. 要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。

    To capture his equity , Murphy must either sell or refinance .

  12. 他那优越的资产阶级家庭坚持让他接受良好的教育。

    His privileged bourgeois family insisted on a good education .

  13. 他认为他们可以用他们的资产阶级思想去影响别人。

    He thought they might infect others with their bourgeois ideas

  14. 估计他的个人资产达到6,800万英镑。

    His personal riches were estimated at £ 68 million .

  15. 这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。

    This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities .

  16. 企业没有资产净值就无法生存。

    No business can survive without a capital account .

  17. 公司保持着很高的资产折现度。

    The company maintains a high degree of liquidity .

  18. 净资产的确增长了,但这与政府无关。

    It is no thanks to the Government that net assets did rise .

  19. 他试图阻止法院扣押工会的资产。

    He tried to prevent union money from being sequestrated by the courts .

  20. 公司停止了各项业务,于1月份开始变卖资产。

    The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January .

  21. 总理知道他的个人形象是他最重要的政治资产。

    The Prime Minister knows that his personal image is his greatest political asset

  22. 家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。

    Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets

  23. 清算破产公司的资产值其实很困难。

    It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms ' assets

  24. 他有小资产阶级思想。

    He had a petit bourgeois mentality .

  25. 劳斯莱斯公司需要稳健的资产负债表。

    Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet .

  26. 这家公司资产为1.38亿美元,负债为1.205亿美元。

    The company had assets of $ 138 million and liabilities of $ 120.5 million .

  27. 美国的外资总额仍然只占美国资产的5%左右。

    Total foreign investment in America still constitutes only about 5 % of U.S. assets .

  28. 布兹塔先生将报社资产卖给了竞争对手然后关门了事。

    Mr Buzetta sold the newspaper 's assets to its competitor and shut it down .

  29. 将要求法院对他未竟的事业进行资产评估。

    The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career .

  30. 他说根据这些法规,赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。

    Under these laws , he said , Mr. Rice 's assets could have been frozen .