
  • 网络Resource cost;DRC
  1. EXPLAIN实用程序会报告执行查询的预期计算资源成本。

    The EXPLAIN utility reports the anticipated computing resource cost of executing the query .

  2. 考虑资源成本的Petri网在FMS调度中的应用

    The Application of Resource Cost Considering Petri Net in Scheduling of FMS

  3. DatabaseContext区域列出了优化器在确定具有最少资源成本的访问计划时所考虑的配置参数。

    The Database Context section lists the configuration parameters that the optimizer takes into account to determine the access plan with the least resource cost .

  4. 其中,自然资源成本为191.75亿元,占传统GDP的24.27%;

    Among others , the natural resource cost is RMB 19.175 billion Yuan , 24.27 % of traditional GDP ;

  5. 国内资源成本(简写为DRC):在产品中使用的非进口资源的成本。

    Domestic resource cost - DRC : Cost of resources used in products that are not imported .

  6. 流入中国的FDI有相当一部分是以追求廉价的劳动与资源成本为首要目的,技术的先进性就有水分,有70%的FDI是以设备原材料作为资本投入的,但对核心技术进行保密。

    In China considerable quantity of FDI inflows are aimed at cheap labor forces and low resources costs so the technological advancement is discounted and in addition 70 % of foreign capitals are equipment and raw materials , without releasing core technology .

  7. 过去二、三十年里国内资源成本系数(DRCC)被广泛用于比较优势的分析。

    Domestic Resource Cost Coefficient ( DECC ) has been widely used in measuring comparative advantages in the last few decades .

  8. 随着我国劳动力及其他资源成本的不断上涨,OEM模式固有的弊端逐渐暴露无遗,OEM企业处于价值链低端,利润微薄,对外依存度过大。

    Along with the rising cost of labor and other resources , the inherent disadvantages of OEM pattern gradually exposed , that is the OEM enterprise in a low position in the value chain , with small profits and excessive external dependency .

  9. 本文提出国内资源成本系数比(RDRCC)的概念和计算公式,用以纠正DRCC方法的缺陷,并简单讨论其应用范围。

    This study presents the concept and formula of Relative Domestic cost ( RDRCC ) to correct the shortcomings in DRCC approach , and addresses its potential applications .

  10. 我国高校人力资源成本与价值管理的思考

    Thoughts on Colleges ' Management of Human Resource Cost and Value

  11. 电子资源成本与收益的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on the Cost and Benefit of Electronic Resource

  12. 医院护理人力资源成本规划决策研究

    Study on Planning and Decision-making in Cost of Hospital Nursing Manpower Resource

  13. 高校人力资源成本的会计确认与计量

    The Accounting Confirmation and Measurement of Human Resource Cost of the University

  14. 基于优化人力资源成本的软件开发任务调度

    The Software-developing Task Allocation Based on the Optimization of the Human Resource

  15. Project2003在建筑工程资源成本管理中应用

    Application of Project 2003 in Resource and Cost Management in Construction Engineering

  16. 战略视角下的人力资源成本管理研究

    Study on Cost Management of Human Resource from Strategy Perspective

  17. 再生水资源成本价格模型的构建

    Building of the price model of reclaimed water resources

  18. 经营性体育场馆闲置资源成本计量模型研究

    Research for Unused Resource Cost Model in Profit-Oriented Gymnasium

  19. 煤炭企业人力资源成本核算研究

    Human Resource Cost Accounting Studies of the Coal Enterprises

  20. 可以在基于费率的资源成本的基础上输入每次使用成本。

    Per-use costs can be entered in addition to a rate-based resource cost .

  21. 人力资源成本会计和价值会计分析

    Human Resources Cost Accounting and Value Accounting Analysis

  22. 第三部分提出高校人力资源成本节约策略。

    The third part introduces the strategies of the university human resource cost saving .

  23. 基于作业的企业资源成本模型研究

    Study on Activity - Based Resource Cost Model

  24. 企业生命周期各阶段人力资源成本控制模式研究

    Research on Control Model of Human Resource Cost on Each Stage of Enterprise Lifecycle

  25. 浅谈我国酒店人力资源成本的事前控制

    On the Advance Control of the Cost of the Hotel Human Resources in Our Country

  26. 在“格式”菜单上,指向“详细信息”,再单击“资源成本”。

    On the format menu , point to details , and then click resource cost .

  27. 第五部分,结论与高校人力资源成本信息披露建议。

    Part V , the conclusions and recommendations about the disclosure of human resources costing .

  28. 在企业各项成本构成中,人力资源成本逐渐成为新阶段企业经营过程中的关键成本。

    Human resource cost gradually is increasingly becoming the critical cost during the daily operation .

  29. 通过调整用工方式、雇佣时间等的成本结构来节约人力资源成本。

    Labor cost can be saved by modulating the manner of employment and work cycle .

  30. 很明显的是,空闲资源成本随着团队大小的增长而提高。

    Obviously , the cost of idle resources goes up as the team size goes up .