
  • 网络out of africa
  1. 分析了《走出非洲》一书中狮子的象征意义,认为它既是非洲草原的代表性动物,又是作者丹麦女作家凯伦。

    The symbolic representation of lions in Out of Africa is analyzed .

  2. 《走出非洲》中狮子的象征意义

    Symbolic Representations of Lions in Out of Africa

  3. 综合气候潜在因子对ACE基因D等位基因的空间依赖关系呈现出明显的空间结构性和空间异质性特征,且这种空间依赖关系与人类走出非洲的迁移路线基本吻合。

    The spatial dependence between D allele and the synthetic climate factors reveals striking spatial structure and spatial heterogeneity , complies with humans ' migratory route initialized from Africa .

  4. 《走出非洲》片段。

    Scene from Out of Africa .

  5. 《走出非洲》的后殖民女性主义解读

    The Interpretation of Jiusan line in Diagrams On Out of Africa : A post-colonial and feminist reading

  6. 许多科学家认为,它们代表了人类走出非洲的一次失败尝试,与今天的人类没有基因联系。

    Many scientists viewed them as a failed human migration from Africa , with no genetic connection to humanity today .

  7. 自人类首次走出非洲以来,就一直在移民。但上世纪90年代以后,移民的性质发生了变化,它不再是只能一条道走到黑了。

    People have emigrated since the first humans walked out of Africa , but since the 1990s emigration has changed its nature .

  8. 第二次走出非洲是早期智人走出非洲,这些智人取代了亚洲的早期智人。

    The second time refers to the African Archaic Homo sapiens ' going out of Africa to replace the Asian Archaic Homo sapiens .

  9. 在《走出非洲》这样一部自传作品中,作者通过对自我经历和认知的叙事,旨在为自己建构一种独特的身份。

    In Out of Africa , through the autobiographic narrative of her own experience and cognition , the writer aims to construct her unique identity .

  10. 自传体小说《走出非洲》是丹麦女作家伊萨克·迪内森最著名的一部作品,并被改编成同名美国电影。

    The autobiographic novel , Out of Africa , is Isak Denisens most famous work , which has been adapted into an American film with the same title .

  11. 他们说,这是来自一个关键历史时期的第一份化石证据,基因和考古模型已经预言,非洲现代人类就是在那个时期成功走出非洲,在欧亚大陆定居的。

    They said this was the first fossil evidence from the critical period when genetic and archaeological models predict that African modern humans successfully migrated out of Africa and colonized Eurasia .

  12. 目前非洲人遗传变异大这一观察数据本身不能区分是第一次走出非洲的结果还是第二次走出非洲的结果。

    At present , the great genetic variation of Africans itself cannot be confirmed as the result of His first going out of Africa or His second going out of Africa .

  13. 他们说,这是“来自一个关键历史时期的第一份化石证据,基因和考古模型已经预言,非洲现代人类就是在那个时期成功走出非洲,在欧亚大陆定居的”。

    They said this was " the first fossil evidence from the critical period when genetic and archaeological models predict that African modern humans successfully migrated out of Africa and colonized Eurasia . "

  14. 他们又说,这枚头盖骨经证明属于一个完全意义上的现代人;当时相对更温暖湿润的气候有利于人类走出非洲。

    They also noted that the shape of the cranium established this as a fully modern human at a time when warmer and wetter conditions were favorable for human migration out of Africa .

  15. 当时,黎凡特地带是一条迁徙走廊,解剖学意义上的现代人从这里走出非洲,走向亚欧大陆,取代了其他所有的早期类人物种。

    The story is of when the Levant was a corridor for anatomically modern humans who were expanding out of Africa and then across Eurasia , replacing all other forms of early human-related species .

  16. 这一日期令人困惑,因为大量证据显示,直到5万到6万年前,如今不在非洲的人类的祖先才走出了非洲大陆。

    That 's a puzzling date , because a great deal of evidence indicates that the ancestors of today 's non-Africans did not expand out of Africa until 50000 to 60000 years ago .

  17. 迅速地走出了非洲,分布到了全世界,占据了地球几乎每一处栖息地现在当其他物种还受限于他们基因适应的地方

    sometime after that we quickly walked out of Africa and spread around the entire world , occupying nearly every habitat on Earth . Now whereas other species are confined to places that their genes adapt them to ,