首页 / 词典 / good

  • take advantage of;avail oneself of;be rich in;be possessed of
  • while
  • 利用时间、机会:~早。~机。~势。~火打劫(趁人家发生火灾时去抢劫,喻在别人危难时乘机去捞好处)。~热打铁。

  • 搭乘:~车。~船。

  • 逐,追赶:“花底山蜂远~人”。

  • 往,赴:~墟(赶集)。~熟(逃荒到丰收之处)。

  • 富有:~钱。~几身衣服。

  • 古同“称”,适合。


(利用机会) take advantage of; avail oneself of:

  • 我想趁这个机会讲几句话。

    I'd like to take this opportunity to say a few words.


[方] (富有; 拥有) be rich in; be possessed of:

  • 趁钱

    have pots of money


(利用时间) while:

  • 趁风起帆

    set sail when the wind is fair;

  • 趁他还没来, 我先告诉你。

    I am telling you first before he arrives.

  • 趁着雨还不大,咱们快走吧!

    Let's go right now before it's raining hard.

  • 这面趁热吃吧。

    Eat the noodles while they are hot.

  1. 电影公司趁着刚刚兴起的恐龙热正忙着赶拍怪兽电影。

    Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs .

  2. 趁着有时间,订好酒店、买好机票、准备好行李,向一辈子一次的旅行出发吧。

    Take advantage of your free time and book that hotel , buy those flights or pack the rucksack for the trip of a lifetime .

  3. 我们很早就起床出发了,趁天还没热。

    We were up and off early to beat the heat .

  4. 嘘!咱们现在趁别人没看见时走吧!

    Psst ! Let 's get out now before they see us !

  5. 他趁着酒劲,鼓足勇气上前和她说话。

    The wine made him bold enough to approach her .

  6. 趁他们不在屋里,我偷偷拿了一块蛋糕。

    I sneaked a cake when they were out of the room .

  7. 趁米饭热时把蔬菜拌进去。

    The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot .

  8. 趁客人还没到,我得去打扮一下好见人。

    I must go and make myself presentable before the guests arrive .

  9. 趁我还记得,有一个从意大利打来的电话找你。

    Before I forget , there was a call from Italy for you .

  10. 她趁着没人看见溜了出去。

    She slid out while no one was looking .

  11. 他趁我不在时擅自看我的文件。

    He took the liberty of reading my files while I was away .

  12. 我等待时机,趁没人注意时溜了出去。

    I waited my chance and slipped out when no one was looking .

  13. 趁记忆犹新,我来把它写下来。

    Let me write it down while it 's still fresh in my mind .

  14. 趁热吃了它吧。

    Eat it while it 's hot .

  15. 我趁他外出时用他的公寓有什么关系呢?反正他又看不见!

    What does it matter if I use his flat while he 's away ? What the eye doesn 't see … !

  16. 在混合物还没有变硬之前,趁热将它塑成形。

    Mould the mixture into shape while hot , before it hardens

  17. 你最好趁热给他们端上桌。

    You 'd better serve it to them before it goes cold

  18. 他趁澳大利亚的休赛期在意大利执教并参加比赛。

    He has coached and played in Italy during the Australian off-season .

  19. 趁着烧水的时候,她决定将地毯抖抖干净。

    While the water was heating she decided to shake out the carpet

  20. 在上面撒上香草趁热上桌。

    Serve piping hot , with herbs sprinkled on top .

  21. 两个男孩想趁人不备偷偷溜走几乎是来不及的。

    There was barely time for the two boys to escape unseen .

  22. 趁热和意大利面或米饭以及四季豆一起端上桌。

    Serve hot , with pasta or rice and French beans

  23. 成千上万的人趁着局势稳定赶紧撤离。

    People are leaving in their thousands while the going is good .

  24. 趁孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏,你可以吃点小吃。

    You can enjoy a quick snack while your children cavort in the sand

  25. 我们决定第二天早晨6点钟趁退潮时离开。

    We decided to leave on the ebb at six o'clock next morning .

  26. 挑选最喜欢的水果或蔬菜,趁着新鲜把它们腌起来。

    Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh

  27. 我试图趁没人注意溜上楼去。

    I tried to slip up the stairs unnoticed

  28. 委员会的其他成员陆续走了进来,想要趁关门前喝上一杯。

    Other members of the committee drifted in for a quick one before closing time .

  29. 趁没人看见,她把校帽弄扁塞进了废纸篓。

    While nobody was looking , she squashed her school hat and crammed it into a wastebasket

  30. 他很恼火。趁他还没有发作,我们赶快离他远点儿。

    He 's pissed . Let 's get out of his way before he starts spewing .
