
  1. 他把她推开,她向后跌坐到长木椅上。

    He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench

  2. 他看到了成绩,随即跌坐在椅子上。

    He looked at his grade and slumped in his seat .

  3. 她闭上眼睛跌坐进一张椅子。

    She closed her eyes and dropped into a chair .

  4. 葛兰重心不稳,狠狠地跌坐在雪地里。

    Grenn lost his footing and sat down hard in the snow .

  5. 她脚下一打滑猝然跌坐在地上。

    She dipped and came a cropper on her backside .

  6. 哈利扑通跌坐在那一碗豌豆旁边。

    Harry sank down next to the bowl of peas .

  7. 我一屁股跌坐在人行道上。

    I took a pratfall right on the sidewalk .

  8. 老先生一屁股跌坐到椅子上。

    The old man slumped down in his chair .

  9. 她跌坐在椅子中,长叹了一口气。

    She sank into her chair , expelling her breath in a long sigh .

  10. 那在沙上弯着腰,抱头跌坐的一大堆是什么?

    What shapeless lump is that , bent , crouch 'd there on the sand ?

  11. 我跌坐在椅上。

    I fell back in my chair .

  12. 琼是个粗心大意的女孩,上次她正好一屁股跌坐在地上。

    Joan is such a careless girl that she fell right on her rear last time .

  13. 说到最后一句,他声音哽咽了,扑通跌坐在最近的那张椅子上。

    His voice broke on the last word and he dropped down into the nearest chair .

  14. 芭丝谢芭无法控制自己的感情,她跌坐在草地上。我差点没了命,她低声说。

    Bathsheba 's feelings were almost too much for her to control , and she sat down suddenly in the grass .

  15. 朗尼又颓然跌坐在台阶上,两手垂在叉开的两腿之间,下巴耷拉在胸前。

    Lonnie slumped down again on the steps , his hands falling between his outspread legs and his chin falling on his chest .

  16. 物体脱手即向地心方向跌落是由于重力吸引的缘故。这时,他不由自主地跌坐在一个单人沙发上了。

    Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the pull of gravity . He fell thunderstruck on a seat .

  17. 当他们走到去年的麦垛后面时,阿米迪突然用手按住肚子的右侧,一屁股跌坐在干草上。

    As they passed behind a last year 's stack , Amedee clutched at his right side and sank down for a moment on the straw .

  18. 她疲累地跌坐在窗户旁的椅子上,把头昏脑胀的头靠在冰凉的玻璃上。

    Then she dropped down on the window seat and leaned throbbing temples against the cool glass everybody 's bidding , scolded and hurried by a nervous matron .

  19. 哈姆很快看了我一眼,我感觉浑身一阵颤栗,我跌坐在椅子上,说不出话来。

    Ham looked quickly at me , and I felt a shock run through my whole body . I fell on to a chair and could not speak .

  20. 汤姆·布里格斯突然跌坐在最靠近身边的椅子上。什么?她怎么死的?什么时候发生的?

    Tom Briggs sat down suddenly on the nearest chair . 'What ? How did she die ? When did it happen ? I was there last night . '

  21. 船头指挥者面向划船者,不断站起大声呐喊和蹲下,有的跌坐下来平卧甲板,头发可以碰到船头水面的波浪。

    Bow of the ship commander for the rower , and constantly stood up and shouted , and squat , and some Diezuo Lying down on deck , hair bow can meet the water waves .

  22. 数分钟过后男孩回来了,大胖子运还跌坐在地上,不只咒骂男孩,也骂骂那群不肯扶他起来的自私群众。

    When the boy came back a few minutes later , the fat man was still on the ground cursing not just the boy , but the selfish crowd who would not offter to help him get up .

  23. 她说:我整天马不停蹄,为了让孩子们开怀大笑,我不停地跑、跳、舞蹈或一屁股跌坐在地上。(我喜爱运动)这一点也让我极具耐心。

    I 'm on my feet all day , running , jumping , dancing and falling on my butt to make the kids laugh and [ my sporting hobbies ] also give me the mental strength to be patient .

  24. 湖水似乎并不深,很快就由游泳变成了在芦苇和淤泥中奋力前行。最后他们喘着粗气跌坐在滑溜溜的草地上,浑身透湿,精疲力竭。

    The lake did not seem to be deep : Soon it was more a question of fighting their way through reeds and mud than swimming , and at last they flopped , sodden , panting , and exhausted , onto slippery grass .