
tiào shuǐ
  • dive;commit suicide by jumping into water;plunge
跳水 [tiào shuǐ]
  • (1) [dive;diving]∶水上运动项目之一,运动员从跳板或跳台上跳入水中,身体在空中作出复杂优美的动作

  • (2) [commit suicide by jumping into water] 〈方〉∶跳进水里自杀

跳水[tiào shuǐ]
  1. 乔安妮刚学会跳水。

    Joanne had just learnt to dive .

  2. 跳水时腿要伸直。

    When you dive , you must keep your legs straight .

  3. 体重在跳水运动中至关重要,因为跳水就是要做到尽可能压住水花。

    Weight is crucial in diving because the aim is to cause the smallest splash possible .

  4. 她在花式跳水中得了最高分。

    She got the highest score in fancy diving .

  5. 北京国际游泳跳水友好邀请赛今天开幕了。

    Beijing international swimming and diving friendship invitational meet opened today .

  6. 昨天该股放量上涨(跳水)。

    The stock soared ( plunged ) in heavy trading volume yesterday .

  7. 我开始跌落得越来越快,以致于我不能转身、跳水、打转或舞动。

    I began to fall faster and faster so that I could not turn , dive , circle or dance .

  8. 你教我跳水好吗?

    Could you show me how to dive ?

  9. 伏明霞在上世纪90年代以其难度极高的跳水动作独占鳌头。

    Fu Mingxia dominated the sport throughout the 1990s with her repertoire of extremely difficult dives .

  10. 她作了一次漂亮的跳水。

    She made a beautiful dive .

  11. 中国女跳水运动员伏明霞因成为最年轻的奥运跳水冠军而为众人熟知。

    Chinese female diver Fu Mingxia is popular for being one of the youngest Olympic diving champions .

  12. 这也是越来越多的跳水运动员在每跳之间坐在热水浴缸里的原因。

    That 's also why you 're increasingly seeing divers sitting in a hot tub between dives .

  13. 为什么跳水运动员一出游泳池就马上去淋浴?

    Why do divers immediately hit the shower as soon as they 're out of the pool ?

  14. 在跳水比赛中,谢思埸领先队友王宗源,夺得跳水男子3米板冠军,赢下他的第二枚东京奥运会金牌。

    In the diving pool , Xie Siyi took his second gold in Tokyo , winning the men 's 3-meter springboard .

  15. 这位跳水运动员在1936年柏林奥运会上获得金牌,成为最年轻的奥运会个人冠军得主。

    The diver won the coveted medal at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games to become the youngest individual Olympic gold medalist .

  16. 凭借第四枚金牌,她和美国运动员帕特·麦考密克、格雷格·卢加尼斯成为世界上仅有的三位奥运跳水冠军“四冠王”。

    With the fourth gold medal , she joined Americans Pat McCormick and Greg Louganis as the world ’ s only quadruple Olympic-diving champions .

  17. 1991年,年仅12岁的她就获得世锦赛跳台项目冠军,成为有史以来最年轻的跳水冠军。

    She had also won the platform-diving world championship in 1991 at the age of 12 , making her the youngest diving champion of all time .

  18. B我都喜欢&速度游泳、跳水,所有的一切。

    B I like it all – the races , the diving , and everything .

  19. 欧洲企业的利润在长时间的跳水之后将最终趋于稳定实际上,据绝对战略研究中心(absolutestrategyresearch)称,它们可能已经在恢复稳定了。

    European profits will level out eventually after their prolonged plunge indeed , according to absolute strategy research , they may be doing so already .

  20. 如今,面对WiiU电视游戏主机的销量跳水,任天堂恐怕又得再次转型了。

    It may need to do so again as it faces declining sales of its Wii u videogame console .

  21. 当然,他并非真的在尝试最高难度的跳水动作,而是在进行一次学术方面的高难度尝试:申请超一流的MBA课程。

    He wasn 't attempting the world 's most difficult dive , but its academic equivalent instead : applying to an ultra-elite MBA program .

  22. 10月19日上午,在主持节目时,美国道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesindustrialaverage)从股市开盘便大幅跳水,之后又出现暴跌,收盘时下跌了22.6%。

    The morning of Oct. 19 , he was on the news desk as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged from the opening bell and then collapsed , ending up down 22.6 % .

  23. 人们还担心,美联储(fed)在确定何时退出异常宽松的政策时会出现判断失误,从而引发通胀飙升,这将为债券市场的跳水埋下隐患。

    Throw in the worry that the Federal Reserve will misjudge the exit from its extraordinary easing , causing a jump in inflation , and you have the makings of a bond market dive .

  24. 方法:用安装于笔记本电脑的运动采集软件及其相连接的两台DV摄像机同步采集三米跳板跳水空中动作。

    Methods : Aerial performances of diving are captured using two synchronized DV cameras , which are controlled by a motion capture software implanted in a notebook PC.

  25. 看看Scotty的空中跳水,现在又在夏威夷搏浪,登雷尼尔山。

    Check out Scotty sky diving and now catching waves in Hawaii , climbing Mount Rainier .

  26. 然而世事难料,谁会想到扎克伯格的“蜜月期”就已经光速结束,Facebook周一破发(跌破38美元的发行价),公司市值跳水至千亿美元以下,而扎克伯格的个人资产则急剧缩水13亿英镑(约合129亿元人民币)。

    It meant Mr Zuckerberg 's personal fortune had fallen by £ 1.3billion in the middle of the day 's trading , as he saw his company 's share price tumble well below its £ 24 opening on Friday .

  27. 在黑色星期三,FTSE再次下跌,道琼斯指数大幅跳水,英镑相对美元再次疲软。

    All on the day that the FTSE has fallen again , the DOW has plunged and the pound suffered its worst drop against the dollar since Black Wednesday .

  28. 最后,本文以OpenGL为工具,在VC++6.0环境下开发了此跳板跳水仿真系统,实验结果表明该方法建立的人体模型视觉效果和运动实时性较好,对指导实践有较高的应用价值。

    At last , we design and develop the 3-dimensional simulation system of springboard diving with the tool , OpenGL . The result shows that the model has good vision effect and real-time nature and is very useful to practice .

  29. 其后G4S的股价大幅跳水(见另文)。

    G4S 's share price did a passable imitation of an Olympic diver ( see article ) .

  30. 对四川省优秀跳水运动员三米板405B动作技术的生物力学诊断

    Biomechanics Diagnosis on 405B Motion Technique Three-meter-board for Sichuan Top Diving Players