
lún zi
  • wheel
轮子 [lún zi]
  • [wheel] 见轮 1

轮子[lún zi]
  1. 螺母没拧紧,轮子脱落了。

    The nuts weren 't properly tightened and the wheel came off .

  2. 轮子一边转动,制陶工人一边拉坯。

    As the wheel turned , the potter shaped the clay

  3. 汽车轮子陷到泥里去了。

    The car wheels got stuck in the mud .

  4. 你是怎么让轮子转起来的?

    How do you make the wheels go round ?

  5. 这些螺母和螺栓把轮子固定住了。

    These nuts and bolts hold the wheels on .

  6. 轮子在泥潭中陷得更深了。

    The wheels sank deeper into the mire .

  7. 请把轮子调个个儿。

    Please change the wheels over .

  8. 一个男孩用下面装着轮子的小箱子推着另一个男孩。

    One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on wheels .

  9. 飞机的轮子轻触跑道。

    The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway .

  10. 汽车轮子碾入街道上布满车辙的雪里,发出很大的声响。

    The car 's tires bit loudly on the rutted snow in the street .

  11. 如果你想修理轮子,只需拧开这4个螺母就行了。

    If you want to repair the wheels you just undo the four nuts .

  12. 轮子总是左右摇晃。

    The wheels keep going wonky .

  13. 那轮子现在转动得很灵活。

    The wheel turns freely now .

  14. 引擎发生的动力通过某些主要的部件传动轮子。

    The power developed by the engine is transmitted to the wheels by some essential parts .

  15. 轮子转得太慢。

    The wheel turns too slowly .

  16. 机器轮子是用无极带传动的。

    Wheels are in a machine driven by an endless belt .

  17. 演员们把下面装有轮子的船拖上来。

    The actors dragged on a boat with wheels .

  18. 轮子旋转。

    The wheel turns round ( or spins ) .

  19. 我自行车的轮子在事故中弄弯了。

    The accident buckled the wheel of my bicycle .

  20. 这根曲轴的作用是使轮子转动。

    The action of the crank turns the wheel .

  21. 他把绳子绕在一个轮子上。

    He wound the cord round a wheel .

  22. 你得先把汽车顶起来,然后设法拆轮子。

    You need to jack up the car before you try to remove the wheel .

  23. 那些姑娘仿佛做大机器上附属的轮子都不如,只配做齿轮里的牙齿。

    The girls did not so much seem accessory wheels to the general machinery as mere cogs to the wheels .

  24. 现代美国诞生在公路上,轮子后。

    Modern America was born on the road , behind a wheel .

  25. 这使得石块变成了一个轮子。

    That action turned the block into somewhat a wheel .

  26. 他意识到,一个正方形可以通过在它的侧面附加木杆而变成一个粗糙的轮子。

    A square could be turned into a rough sort of wheel by attaching wooden poles to its sides , he realized .

  27. 绳子从井上方的轮子上穿过。

    The rope passed over a wheel just above the well .

  28. 他们用火做饭、取暖,还发明了轮子。

    They used fire for cooking and heating and invented the wheel .

  29. 有的学生拉着装满沉重课本的带轮子的袋子,有的学生背着背包。

    Some students pull wheeled bags filled with heavy textbooks and others carry backpacks .

  30. 它可以用轮子移动、用腿行走或由小型发动机驱动。

    It can move on wheels , walk on legs or be driven by small engines .