
  1. 在煅烧以后,c轴伸长明显使原有的晶格畸变消失。

    After calcination the lattice parameter c grows obviously and the old crystal lattice distortion disappears .

  2. 散粒体卸载特性的三轴伸长试验研究

    Triaxial extension test study on the unloading behavior of granular

  3. 三峡右岸电站转轮联轴螺栓伸长值取值及安全系数分析

    Joint-axis Bolt Stretch Value of the Turning Wheel of Three Gorges Right Bank Hydropower Station and Safety Factor Analysis

  4. 记录天麻花苔和果实的发育过程,发现花茎、花序轴的伸长以及果实长度、直径的生长过程均呈二次曲线趋势。

    Recorded growth of G. elata Bl. stem and fructification , found length of scape and rachis , length and diameter of fruct accorded with conic .

  5. 对于大纳米颗粒,不同于无基底条件下形成的球状纳米晶体硅结构,硅纳米颗粒沿管轴方向伸长,其结构为类似于硅晶体的无定形网络结构。

    Large Si nanoparticles are elongated in the axial direction of the nanotube and have amorphous network structures of Si , different from the crystalline structure of Si nanoparticles without considering Si-nanotube interaction .