
qīng qīng
  • gently;lightly;softly
轻轻 [qīng qīng,qīng qīng de]
  • (1) [lightly]∶用很少力量或压力地

  • 轻轻地揉捏,使质地细腻

  • (2) [gently]∶温和地;温柔地

  • 把孩子轻轻放在床上

轻轻[qīng qīng]
  1. 她轻轻地在他头上拍了几下。

    She cuffed him lightly around his head .

  2. 他轻轻吻了一下她的脸颊。

    He kissed her lightly on the cheek .

  3. 有人不小心轻轻碰了一下她的胳膊肘儿,把咖啡弄洒了。

    Someone jogged her elbow , making her spill her coffee .

  4. 老汉把幼小的婴儿轻轻抱在怀里。

    The old man cradled the tiny baby in his arms .

  5. 他觉得有人轻轻拍他的肩膀便转过身来。

    He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round .

  6. 她轻轻地一遍又一遍地重复着他的名字。

    She kept repeating his name softly over and over again .

  7. 大多数人遇见马时都会轻轻地拍拍它。

    Most people when confronted with a horse will pat it .

  8. 她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上。

    She laid the baby down gently on the bed .

  9. 她轻轻地咳了一声以引起我的注意。

    She gave a little cough to attract my attention .

  10. 他把小鸟轻轻地托在掌心。

    He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand .

  11. 马轻轻甩动尾巴把苍蝇赶走。

    The horse was flicking flies away with its tail .

  12. 她一个早上都穿着拖鞋在房子里轻轻地走来走去。

    She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers .

  13. 他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。

    He 's incredibly together for someone so young .

  14. 他抱着孩子轻轻摇晃。

    He rocked the baby gently in his arms .

  15. 她双手轻轻地捧着那只小鸟。

    She held the bird gently in cupped hands .

  16. 他用手帕轻轻按了按伤口。

    He dabbed at the cut with his handkerchief .

  17. 他的手轻轻地触了一下她肩膀便使她跳了起来。

    The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder made her jump .

  18. 她轻轻地戳了一下他的肋部。

    She gave him a dig in the ribs .

  19. 花儿在微风中轻轻舞动。

    The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze .

  20. 几只狗轻轻地嗅着我的脚。

    The dogs were snuffing gently at my feet .

  21. 我把婴儿轻轻地抱在怀里。

    I held the baby gently in my arms .

  22. 她轻轻地放下怀中熟睡的儿子。

    She gently disengaged herself from her sleeping son .

  23. 她感到有人在她肩上轻轻地拍了一下。

    She felt a light tap on her shoulder .

  24. 她轻轻地把婴儿裹在毯子里。

    She gently folded the baby in a blanket .

  25. 她轻轻地握住门把手扭动了它。

    Gently , she took hold of the door handle and turned it .

  26. 他不停地用手指轻轻敲着桌子。

    He kept tapping his fingers on the table .

  27. 她随手轻轻关上门。

    She closed the door softly behind her .

  28. 她轻轻地拍着狗的头。

    She patted the dog on the head .

  29. 她轻轻地碰了碰他的胳膊。

    She touched him gently on the arm .

  30. 小船在大浪中犹如软木塞,轻轻漂来漂去。

    The boat bobbed like a cork on the waves : light and buoyant .