
  • 网络Dismiss welfare;termination benefits
  1. 第二十三条:本公司职工的招收、招聘、辞退、工资福利、劳动保护等事项,按照国家有关劳动和社会保障的规定办理。

    Article twenty three : the recruitment , employment , firing , wages and welfare , professional protection of the company shall follow the national regulations and rules concerning labor and social security .

  2. 第十三条合作企业职工的录用、辞退、报酬、福利、劳动保护、劳动保险等事项,应当依法通过订立合同加以规定。

    Article 13 The employment , dismissal , remuneration , welfare , labour protection and labour insurance , etc. of the staff members and workers of a contractual joint venture shall be specified in contracts concluded in accordance with law .