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  • 网络Debater;sophist;BENSHI;polemists
辩士 [biàn shì]
  • [eloquent person] 有口才、善辩论的人

  1. 哦,请让我的诗篇做我的辩士,

    O , let my books be then the eloquence

  2. 这世上的辩士在那里。

    Where is the disputer of this world ?

  3. 正方辩士立场系赞成起诉,反方立场则反对起诉。

    Speakers on the affirmative teams will defend prosecution ; speakers on the negative teams will oppose it .

  4. 过了五天,大祭司亚拿尼亚,同几个长老,和一个辩士帖土罗,下来,向巡抚控告保罗。

    And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders , and with a certain orator named Tertullus , who informed the governor against Paul .