
ɡuò jiē tiān qiáo
  • pedestrian overpass
  1. 城里在高速公路上建了一座过街天桥。

    The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway .

  2. 向右转,你可以看到在十字路口有一座行人过街天桥。

    Turn to the right , you can see a pedestrian overpass at the intersection .

  3. 在贝洛奥里藏特(BeloHorizonte)市,一座过街天桥坍塌,造成两人死亡。

    In the city of Belo Horizonte , an overpass collapsed , killing two people .

  4. 不是的,过了过街天桥第一个路口向左转。

    No. Take the first left after the overpass .

  5. 在那条街的拐角处正在建起一个过街天桥。

    An overpass is being put up at the corner of the street .

  6. 大跨度钢结构人行过街天桥的振动研究

    Vibration Study of Large Span Steel Structural Footbridge

  7. 过马路时,我们一定要走人行横道或过街天桥。

    While he was crossing the street a big truck bore down on him .

  8. 人行过街天桥(地道)选址模型的研究

    On Model of Pedestrian Overpass / Underpass Siting

  9. 正确的解决办法是在大城市里建造更多的立交桥,过街天桥和地道桥。

    The right solution is to lay down more gallop bridges , overpasses and underpasses in big cities .

  10. 这里有许多人行通道和过街天桥,所以我想要不迷路地走遍全城是不可能的。

    There are dozens of pedestrian walkways and overpasses , so it was impossible for me to walk down the strip without getting lost .

  11. 过马路时,我们一定要走人行横道或过街天桥。不是的,过了过街天桥第一个路口向左转。

    When we need to cross the street , we should always use the pedestrian crossings or pedestrian bridges . No. Take the first left after the overpass .

  12. 据说他们正在这条河上修建另一座大桥。正确的解决办法是在大城市里建造更多的立交桥,过街天桥和地道桥。

    They are said to be building another across the river . The right solution is to lay down more gallop bridges , overpasses and underpasses in big cities .

  13. 钢结构梁在很多桥梁和建筑中都有广泛的应用,甚至有些纯钢结构的桥梁和建筑物,例如某些过街天桥、体育场馆等。

    Steel structure beam is widely used in bridges and buildings , and even some pure steel structure bridges and buildings , such as overpass , gymnasium and so on .

  14. 上周,一个通往主体育场的行人过街天桥倒塌,而两位游客在新德里最负盛名的旅游景点之一遭受枪击受伤则更增添了组织者的困境。

    Last week , a pedestrian bridge leading to the main stadium collapsed , and adding to the organizers'woes earlier , two tourists were shot and wounded outside one of New Delhi 's top attractions .

  15. 说它普通,是囚为过河跨谷所必需,再加上现在城市发展迅速,立交桥、过街天桥也成为保证我们顺畅通行的重要设施。

    That it is ordinary , because crossing the river valleys necessary , coupled with the rapid urban development , overpass , the overpass has also become important to ensure that our smooth passage facilities .

  16. 城市道路行人过街立交设施选址研究过马路时,我们一定要走人行横道或过街天桥。

    Pedestrian Overpass Site Selection on Urban Road ; When we need to cross the street , we should always use the pedestrian crossings or pedestrian bridges .