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  • Carthaginian
  1. 修正迦太基人学院的结构,现在能看见了。

    Fixed broken texture for carthaginian academy , so it should now be visible .

  2. 西元前8世纪时由腓尼基商人建立,后成为迦太基人居住地。

    Founded by Phoenician traders in the 8th century BC , it was later a Carthaginian settlement .

  3. 迦太基人不可避免的受到了罗马人的进攻。很快,他们之间爆发了一系列的战争,历史上称之为布匿战争(thePunicWars)。

    The Carthaginians inevitably encountered the Romans , and soon after that a series of battles known as the Punic Wars took place .

  4. 伊比利亚人,Tartessian,凯尔特人,腓基尼人,迦太基人,希腊人,罗马人,日尔曼人(Suevi和西哥特人)和摩尔人的文化都影响了这个国家。

    Iberian , Tartessian , Celtic , Phoenician and Carthaginian , Greek , Roman , Germanic ( Suevi and Visigoth ) and Moorish cultures have all made an imprint on the country .

  5. 守城的迦太基人遭到三支罗马军团的袭击。

    The Carthaginians defending the city were attacked by three Roman legions .

  6. 迦太基人害怕了,他们的害怕是有道理的。

    The people of Carthage are afraid , and well they may be .

  7. 这一荒谬的命令使迦太基人从绝望中惊醒。

    This preposterous order roused the Carthaginians from despair .

  8. 迦太基人和努米底亚人也是优秀的战士。

    The Carthaginians and Numidians had shown themselves to be good warriors as well .

  9. 迦太基人的喀尔寇阿内城及其墓地

    Punic Town of Kerkuane and its Necropolis

  10. 倾向于背叛;特别是具有罗马人加于迦太基人的背信弃义的特点。

    Tending to betray ; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans .

  11. 这座城市由迦太基人建立,它的名字是从古迦太基的巴塞家族衍生而来的。

    Barcelona was founded by the Carthaginians and its name is derived from the great Barca family of ancient Carthage .

  12. 瓦莱塔相继由腓尼基人、希腊人、迦太基人、罗马人、拜占廷人及圣约翰骑士团统治。

    It was ruled successively by the Phoenicians , Greeks , Carthaginians , Romans , Byzantines , Arabs and the Order of the Knights of St John .

  13. 西西里岛居住着腓尼基人,迦太基人,斯瓦比亚,这里的人民和阿拉贡一起创造了西西里的历史。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Swabians , Angevins and Aragonese made Sicily their own , leaving behind an eclectic history that you can still touch today .

  14. 最初,罗马人打了一个胜仗,后来迦太基人又占了上风,就这样战争延续了许多年。

    First the Romans would gain a battle and then the men of Carthage would gain a battle ; and so the war went on for many years .

  15. 顺便说一下,罗马短剑是仿西班牙人和迦太基人使用的伊比利亚剑而成的。

    BTW way , The Roman Gladius ( gladius mean short word in latin ) is a copy of the Iberian sword used by the Spanish and by Carthage .

  16. 巴塞罗那处处透露著历史气息。城市由迦太基人建立,根据古传统,城市的名字由古迦太基的巴塞家族派生出来。

    The city is steeped in history , Barcelona was founded by Carthaginians and according to tradition , its name was derived from the great Barker family of ancient Carpage .

  17. 为了在希腊各国建立信誉,迦太基人糅合了希腊英雄赫拉克勒斯(以赫尔克里斯而闻名)和特洛伊守护神麦勒卡特。

    In order to establish their credentials within the Hellenic world the Carthaginians conflated the Greek hero , Heracles ( better known as Hercules ), with Melqart , his Tyrian counterpart .

  18. 古希腊人、迦太基人、古埃及人、高卢人、日耳曼人纷纷向罗马俯首称臣,于是,条条大路通罗马这句话也由此产生。

    The Greeks , Carthaginians , Egyptians , Gauls , the Germanic tribes * all bent the knee to Rome , giving way to the saying All roads lead to Rome .

  19. 该地区在公元前12世纪有腓尼基人居住,后来双陆续被罗马人,迦太基人和土耳人控制,最后,于1881年成为法国的保护国。

    The region was settled in the12th century bc by Phoenicians , was later controlled by Romans , Carthaginians , and Turks , among others , and became a French protectorate in1881 .

  20. 西西里岛居住着腓尼基人,迦太基人,斯瓦比亚,这里的人民和阿拉贡一起创造了西西里的历史。在今天,你仍然可以触碰这段折中的历史,西西里岛也能来触摸你。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Swabians , Angevins and Aragonese made Sicily their own , leaving behind an eclectic history that you can still touch today . And Sicily will touch you .

  21. 其主要种族是马耳他人(古代迦太基人和腓尼基人的后裔,有意大利和其他地中海祖先的血统),其他包括阿拉伯人、意大利人和英国人。

    The main ethnic group is Maltese ( descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians , with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock ) . Other includes Arabs , Italians , and the British .

  22. 腓尼基人、迦太基人、罗马人、拜占庭人、法蒂玛王朝、诺曼人、西西里人、西班牙人、法国人、一个欧洲世俗宗教修道会和英国人都曾想征服或统治马耳他,其中很多成功了。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Romans , Byzantines , Fatimids , Normans , Sicilians , Spanish , French , a European lay religious order and the British all tried to conquer or rule Malta , and many succeeded .

  23. 古希腊人、迦太基人、古埃及人、高卢人、日耳曼人纷纷向罗马俯首称臣,于是,“条条大路通罗马”这句话也由此产生。但是,一切都会有尽头,罗马亦复如是。

    The Greeks , Carthaginians , Egyptians , Gauls , the Germanic tribes ... all bent the knee to Rome , giving way to the saying " All roads lead to Rome . " But everything has to end eventually , and so did the glory of Rome .

  24. 后来又如何在迦太基受人陷害被关进监狱,最后来了一帮蒙面人就把史密斯杀害了。

    And that finally , being drawn into ambuscade at Carthage , he was thrown into prison , and assassinated by a band of men disguised in masks .

  25. 来自迦太基的汪达尔人于455年侵占并洗劫了罗马。

    The Vandals from Carthage took and sacked Rome in 455 .