• enlighten;guide
  • disco
  • 开导:启~。

  • 进:弗求弗~。

  • 继承:汉~于秦,有因有革。

  1. 她跟迪多长得离奇的相似。

    She bears an uncanny resemblance to Dido .

  2. 这座桥横跨迪河。

    The bridge crosses the River Dee .

  3. 约翰的“罪行”就是对经理太随便,还叫他古尔迪。

    John 's ' crime ' was being too familiar with the manager and calling him Gouldy .

  4. “让我进来,迪。”——“好的。稍等一下。”

    ' Let me in , Di . ' — ' Okay . Just a minute . '

  5. “该死的,等一下”,明迪愤愤地说道,“谁也没说过要过夜。”

    ' Wait a damn minute , ' Mindy spat . ' Nobody said anything about staying overnight . '

  6. 明迪:即使我们做错了也不生气?

    Mindy : Not even if we do something wrong ?

  7. 明迪:你真的没有生气?

    Mindy : Are you really not angry ?

  8. 明迪:那你什么时候生气呀?

    Mindy : When are you angry ?

  9. 迪,你有时间和我讨论我的个人职业发展目标吗?

    Di , would you have time to discuss my personal goals for professional development ?

  10. 明迪看着我,然后又说了一遍:“你真的不会跟我们生气?”

    Mindy looked at me , then repeated : " You won 't be angry with me ? "

  11. 前几天,我邻居6岁的儿子马尔科和同岁的明迪按响了我的门铃。

    The other day , my neighbor 's son Marco , 6 , and Mindy , also 6 , rang my door bell .

  12. 明迪很为派对上穿什么衣服而苦恼,连饭都吃不下去了,而她的丈夫却不以为意,认为这是个无足轻重的“第一世界问题”。

    Mindy feels so worried about her party dress that she has no appetite to eat , while her husband brushes it aside as a first-world problem .

  13. 《奎迪》(Creed)中的迈克尔·B·乔丹(MichaelB.Jordan);

    Michael B. Jordan in " Creed " ?

  14. 为什么Charlie的嫌犯照片在雷迪卖场贴得到处都是

    Why is charlie 's mug shot all over the reddi mart ?

  15. 用化学滴定法测定了匝迪-5中的微量钙为488.17μg/g,平均回收率为99.77%,RSD为0.56%。

    The average recovery is 99.77 % , RSD is 0.56 % .

  16. 另外两家办公用品公司欧迪办公(OfficeDepot)和麦克斯办公用品公司(OfficeMax)的市值过去几年均已跌至5亿美元以下。

    Office Depot ( ODP ) and Office Max ( OMX ) have already plunged in the last few years to sub - $ 500 million market caps .

  17. 我们一起去迪河,去JellyBoLee,越过陆地,跨过海洋;

    And we 'd go to the Dee , and the Jelly Bo Lee , over the land and over the sea ;

  18. 辛格并未提及自己是否受到伊拉克记者蒙塔兹•扎伊迪的启发。在美国前总统乔治•W•布什最后一次出访巴格达期间,发生了扎伊迪向布什砸鞋的事件。

    Singh did not say whether he was inspired by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi , who threw his shoes at former US president George W.Bush during his last visit to Baghdad .

  19. 道琼斯报道,该公司美国制药业务主管ChrisViehbache星期四说,当媒体关注逐渐平息并且公司可以重新开始与医生进行沟通时,葛兰素会推进文雅迪的销售。

    Glaxo intends to boost sales Avandia once the attention from the media quiets down and the company can resume conversations with doctors , the company 's head of U.

  20. 据报道,欧迪办公(OfficeDepot)与马克斯办公用品公司(OfficeMax)正在商谈并购,希望联手挑战史泰博(Staples)在办公用品行业的霸主地位。

    Office Depot ( ODP ) reportedly is in talks to merge with Office Max ( OMX ) , in a consolidation play aimed at challenging staples ( SPLs ) for office supply supremacy .

  21. 最近在迪机场(JFK),我的手提行李在经过X光机的时候神秘消失。

    Last week , my hand luggage mysteriously vanished as it went through those X-ray machines in JFK .

  22. 英国ULI董事长安迪•马丁(AndyMartin)表示,伦敦和纽约等城市是“它们自身成功的受害者”。

    Andy Martin , chairman of ULI in the UK , said cities such as London and New York were " victims of their own success . "

  23. 直到最近,福特(Ford)、日产(Nissan)和丰田(Toyota)等美国和日本汽车制造商,才开始响应莫迪“印度制造”的呼声。

    It is only very recently , however , that US and Japanese carmakers - including Ford , Nissan and Toyota - have begun to heed Mr Modi 's Make in India call .

  24. 目的:观察冠脂迪(guanzhidi,gzd)对鹌鹑高脂血症的影响。

    Objective : to observe the effect of Guan Zhi Di on hyperlipemia symptoms of quail .

  25. 根据各种照片和红迪网上的话题,一台容量1TB、金色的PS4即将上市。

    According to various photos and Reddit threads , a 1TB , gold-colored PS4 is on its way to stores .

  26. 后来又有消息称,苹果聘用前时装品牌高管保罗•蒂尼维为公司副总裁,负责特别项目,还招募了Hulu公司高管彼得•迪赛德,协助公司进行内容谈判。

    Then comes news that Apple has hired fashion Executive Paul deneve as a vice-president working on special projects as well as Hulu executive Pete distad to craft content deals .

  27. 采用迪化糖锭(Diaformin)治疗20例非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)患者,观察该药对血糖、血浆胰岛素浓度、红细胞膜胰岛素受体和红细胞膜流动性的影响。

    Twenty NIDDM patients treated with Diaformin were observed for blood glucose , insulin , the number of insulin receptors and the membrane fluidity of erythrocytes .

  28. 同时,利用井壁崩落法、钻井诱导缝法和DSI快横波方位法确定了新疆迪那气田目的层的水平主应力方向。

    Furthermore , the horizontal stress direction of the target zone in the gas field is determined by means of borehole breakout data , drilling-induced fracture and DSI Fast shear azimuth .

  29. 塔里木油田迪那气藏为异常高压超深气藏,压力系数大于2,埋藏深度大于5000m,储层存在严重污染,射孔后能获得天然气产量。

    DN gas reservoir in TARIM Basin is an abnormal high pressure and ultra - deep gas reservoir , which has reservoir pressure factor of 2 , formation depth of 5000m .

  30. 在它之前的朗迪(Rendezvous)、Ranier、和Terraza等多用途运载车因业绩不佳已为人们所遗忘。

    Based on the successful lamda platform , it swept away earlier efforts at utility vehicles that bore such forgettable names as rendezvous , Ranier , and Terraza .