
zhuī rèn
  • to ratify;recognize retroactively;subsequently confirm or endorse;subsequently or posthumously confirm or endorse
追认 [zhuī rèn]
  • [subsequently or posthumously confirm or endorse] 事后认可

  • 追认为烈士

追认[zhuī rèn]
  1. 已经去世并被追认为圣人的人。

    A person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization .

  2. 民营电影经济成分取得了管理层的政策追认,并在进一步的要求更大的体制创新空间。

    Private movie economy is recognized by management policy and requires space of system innovation .

  3. 相对人可以催告被代理人在一个月内予以追认。

    The other party may demand that the principal ratify the contract within one month .

  4. 事后追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。

    A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect , and be equivalent to a prior command .

  5. 未经追认的行为,由行为人承担民事责任。

    If the act is not so recognized , the performer shall bear civil liability for it .

  6. 批准代理人签订的合同;追认代理人所订合同

    Ratification of agent 's contract

  7. 他可能在12月8日被追认为圣徒,这一天是罗马天主教会主要的信德日。

    He may be canonized on December 8th , a major faith day for the Roman catholic church .

  8. 弗朗西斯教皇追认卡罗尔·约泽夫·沃伊蒂瓦为圣徒,希望神迹通过祈祷降临。

    Pope Francis has cleared John Paul II for sainthood , approving a miracle attributed to his intercession .

  9. 但本条并不影响对未经授权但非伪造签名之追认。

    But this section does not affect the right , without authorization , non-ratification of the forged signatures .

  10. 他不能仅仅追认那些对他有利的行为而否认那些不利于他的行为。

    He cannot avail himself of such acts as are beneficial to him and repudiate those which are detrimental .

  11. 但本条对追认未经授权但不属伪冒之签名,并无影响。

    Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the ratification of an unauthorized signature not amounting to a forgery .

  12. 被代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认。

    Where the principal fails to manifest his intention , he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract .

  13. 合同被追认之前,善意相对人有撤销的权利。

    Prior to ratification of the contract , the other party in good faith is entitled to cancel the ontract .

  14. 如未成年人在达到法定年龄时追认合同,他/她便应受合同之约束。

    22.If a minor ratifies a contract upon reaching the age of majority , he or she is then bound to it .

  15. 这种确认,既可以是明示,也可以是暗示,既可以是事前进行授权,也可以是事后进行追认。

    Such confirmation , either it can be expressed or be implied , either be prior authorized or be ratified after the fact .

  16. 追认一项未经授权行为必须以最初授权时所必需的特定方式和形式进行。

    The ratification of an unauthorized act must be in the particular mode or form necessary to confer authority in the first place .

  17. 行政行为追认是对瑕疵行政行为的“治愈”,是对不合法行政行为的矫正。

    The ratification of administrative action , which " heals " the flaw of administrative action , is the curing of illegal administrative action .

  18. 国际货币基金组织的新数据表明欧洲的各大银行亏损了1.1万亿美元,其中还有许多没有追认的贷款。

    New figures from the IMF suggest that European banks face some $ 1.1 trillion in losses , hardly any of which have yet been recognised .

  19. 论无权代理中被代理人的追认权其二是关于本人追认权行使的问题。

    On the Principal 's Right of Ratification in Agency by Ratification Part three discusses some problems of agency by estoppel which mainly talks about two problems .

  20. 重点在于对自我交易的规制方面,主要对其所涉及的披露义务、董事会或股东会的批准与追认作出论述。

    More stress is placed on the regulation , The duties of disclosure by directors and the authority or ratification by disinterested directors or shareholders are pored over .

  21. 资本结构、代理人行为与上市公司绩效法定代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认。

    Capital Structure , Agent Behavior and Corporate Performance ; If the legal agent fails to manifest his intention , he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract .

  22. 现行无权处分的立法不够完善,应需对其重新建构,但摆在面前的问题是如何兼顾逻辑上统一与法律上的公平。若承认债权合同有效,所有人的追认又如何认定?

    The current unauthorized disposition legislation is not perfect and needed to be reconstructed , but the problem confronted is how to balance the logical unity and fairness in the law .

  23. 并以制度分析方法为工具,探讨特定的制度安排下,地方政府的分权行动及其对社区的创新行为予以追认,导致了政府和社区关系的重大变化,激发了广大居民的参与热情。

    By institutional analysis , the decentralization of local government actions and their innovative behavior on the community is subsequently endorsed , under the specific institutional . It encourages many residents participate enthusiastically .

  24. 论述了股东大会决议程序瑕疵的治愈,股东大会决议瑕疵补救的撤回与追认方式。

    Part one discusses how to retrieve the defects in procedure . Part two discusses the general meeting of shareholders to remedy flaws in the withdrawal of the resolution method with the ratification .

  25. 艺术史应该秉承追认的原则,在“85新潮”前的上海,新潮已经不新了!

    The art history should acknowledge , as it often did in the past , that even before " 85 New Wave ", the new wave was no longer deemed new in Shanghai .

  26. 实行党风廉政建设责任追究制度的探讨未经追认的行为,由行为人承担民事责任。

    Exploration of Job Responsibility Investigation System for Building a Party s an Honest and Clean Government ; If the act is not so recognized , the performer shall bear civil liability for it .

  27. 本文研究了派生诉讼中的司法功能,分析了股东会追认的后果以及不可追认的行为,对违法者控制的司法审查标准进行了探讨。

    This dissertation analyzes the judicial functions of the derivative lawsuits , the consequences of retroactive approval or denial by the shareholders ' meeting , and the judicial review standard for controlling the violator .

  28. 合同的效力待定是指其有效或无效处于不确定状态,尚待享有形成权的第三人以追认或拒绝的意思表示来确定的合同。

    Contract with pending validity refers to the pending state of both the validity or invalidity of contract , and it needs a third party who has the right of formation to subsequently endorse or refuse .

  29. 地方政府在此领域内,出于自身的利益诉求,有可能通过非正式权力运作,运用人格化交易、事前求助、事后追认等策略方式,推进民办高等教育的发展。

    According to its needs of interest , local government may make use of personalized trading , seeking help in anticipation , and subsequent confirming to advance the development of private higher education by operation of informal power .

  30. 合法的行政行为才产生完全的、实质的法律效力,而违法的行政行为即瑕疵行政行为将影响其效力,或者无效,或者被撤销,或者通过转换、补正、追认、维持挽救其效力。

    Only legal administrative act can bring about complete and essential legal , while illegal and blemish administrative act will affect its validity and cause its invalidity , or maintain rescuing its validity by transference , subsequent confirmation , supplement and correction .