
  • 网络reverse osmosis
  1. 如果我们给盐水加压,就可以实现逆向渗透。

    If we put the salt water under pressure , we achieve reverse osmosis .

  2. 因而,逆向渗透首先用到了盐水的处理上。

    As a result , reverse osmosis first became established as a way to treat brackish water .

  3. 因此,海水去盐逆向渗透作用减少了能量的消耗。

    As a result , the energy use for reverse-osmosis seawater desalination has fallen .

  4. 几乎在同时,第一批对还是进行逆向渗透的工厂开始出现。

    At around the same time , the first reverse-osmosis plants for seawater began to appear .

  5. 蓄水期滑坡体变形范围局限在滑坡体中前部,逆向渗透对滑坡体稳定性的有利作用是有限的和短暂的。

    Deformation score is limited in the middle-front region of landslide . The stabilization effect of the reverse seepage during reservoir filling is temporary and limited . 3 .

  6. 逆向渗透工厂,他们在预处理阶段和清理薄膜时使用了化学物质,这些过程不会在盐水中发生。

    Reverse-osmosis plants , for their part , use chemicals during the pre-treatment and cleaning of the membranes , some of which may end up in the brine .

  7. 逆向渗透工厂使用了过滤器和化学物质去处会堵塞薄膜的粒子,而薄膜必须得定期清洗,以便减少污垢和堵塞。

    Reverse-osmosis plants use filters and chemicals to remove particles that could clog up the membranes , and the membranes must also be washed periodically to reduce scaling and fouling .

  8. 是的,就是这样,这些水将变成总供应水量的一部分。通过逆向渗透,淡水厂将把2加仑海水转换成1加仑淡水,过滤掉99.9%的盐分。

    That 's right . That 's right . It will just become part of the overall supply . Through a process called reverse osmosis , the plant will convert every two gallons of seawater into one gallon of fresh water , filtering out 99.9 percent of the salt .

  9. 以零售业为核心的现代商业资本的重新崛起并不断扩张对于传统的工商业关系产生巨大冲击,即出现了商业资本对产业资本逆向控制和渗透的新趋势。

    The re-upright and expansion of modern commercial capital with the core of retail industry has hugely impacted the traditional relations between commerce and industry . Namely , it has occurred a new trend that industrial capital is reversely controlled and penetrated .