
  • see-through blouses
  1. 很多女明星对透视装钟爱有加。

    Many actress love the see-through blouses very much .

  2. 一年前,就是在那里,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)掀起了目前所谓的“透视装”狂潮。她的礼服像一条全身长筒袜,礼服上装饰的施华洛世奇水晶(这个品牌简直无处不在)比礼服的设计者亚当·塞尔曼(AdamSelman)更引人注目。

    It was there , a year ago , that Rihanna started the current rage for the so-called " naked look , " with a body stocking noted more for the manufacturer of the crystals that adorned it , the inescapable Swarovski , than its designer , Adam Selman .

  3. 6月20日,上海地铁二号运营有限公司在其官微上发布了一张照片,照片中,一名女子站在地铁站台上,身着一件半透视装。

    The No 2 subway operating company in Shanghai updated its micro blog on June 20 with a picture of a woman wearing a semi-transparent dress standing on the metro platform .

  4. 27%的男性认为透视装(或透明薄纱衣服)和抹胸超出了他们能接受的范围,24%的男性不能接受超短裙,22%的男性反对在办公室穿低胸上衣。

    See-through , or ' sheer ' , tops were deemed beyond the pale by 27 percent of men , while 24 percent named miniskirts and 22 percent low cut tops .

  5. 我想西方服饰,如牛仔裤、比基尼、超短裙、透视装和露背装等,极大地影响了中国的传统文化,尤其是价值观。

    Yeah , I think Western clothes styles , like jeans , bikinis , mini-skirts , see-throughs , halter tops , and so on , have greatly affected traditional Chinese culture , and particularly the values .