
tōng xīn fěn
  • macaroni;spaghetti;macaroni, macaronis, macaronies
通心粉 [tōng xīn fěn]
  • [macaroni, macaronis, macaronies;spaghetti] 一种营养面条,主要用粗面粉制成,干燥后呈细管形或花式小片

通心粉[tōng xīn fěn]
  1. 他们往往会买便宜的加工食品,像鸡肉罐头和通心粉之类的。

    They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni .

  2. 可以用来换取粮票的食物只有这些:代用咖啡、通心粉和小块的人造黄油。

    There were few provisions available in exchange for food stamps : ersatz coffee , macaroni , small cubes of margarine .

  3. 把通心粉过一过水。

    Drain and rinse the pasta .

  4. 斯科特同意为孩子们尝试做更多的果汁,并制作真正的干酪酱通心粉。

    Scott agrees to try more fruit juices for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese .

  5. 纳多注意到斯科特的购物车里放了几盒现成的干酪酱通心粉,于是建议她换成全谷物通心粉和真奶酪。

    Nadeau notices the pre-made macaroni - and-cheese boxes in Scott 's shopping cart and suggests she switch to whole grain macaroni and real cheese .

  6. 白色食物指的是白糖、通用面粉等加工食品,或土豆、米饭、通心粉等淀粉类食物。

    White foods refer to processed foods such as white sugar and all-purpose flour , or starchy foods such as potatoes , rice , and pasta .

  7. 想减肥的人应该远离“白色食物”,多吃全谷类食物、水果之类,少吃含淀粉的土豆、通心粉和米饭。

    People who want to lose weight should stay away from “ white food ” , and choose whole grains , fruits and such rather than starchy white potatoes , pasta and rice .

  8. 目前,“速递按钮”可以订购咖啡、清洁剂、剃须刀、厕纸、纸尿裤、湿纸巾、果汁、狗粮、垃圾袋、奶酪通心粉和餐巾纸等。

    So far there are Dash buttons for coffee , detergent3 , razors , toilet paper , diapers , wipes , juice , dog food , trash bags , macaroni and cheese and napkins , among other items .

  9. 当她发现Carl的衬衫上有唇印的那天晚上做的通心粉又太松软。

    NARRATOR : It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Carl 's shirt .

  10. Carl告诉她要离开她去他的秘书那里的那天晚上,她把通心粉倒了。

    NARRATOR : She burned it the night Carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary .

  11. 最后想出的就是可用微波炉烹制的BobEvans通心粉、奶酪和冷冻豌豆,这顿饭只要花几分钟时间准备,而且孩子们都很喜欢吃。

    Out comes the microwavable Bob Evans Macaroni and Cheese and frozen peas , a meal that takes minutes to prepare and that her kids love .

  12. 她的丈夫Carl总是笑她做的通心粉,说这是她唯一会做的东西,而且她还做不好。

    Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni , saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook , and she rarely made it well .

  13. 所以今晚到Cove时刻时吃最后一份奶酪通心粉你就该去努力了

    So tonight , when it gets to be Cove o'clock , have one last Mac and Cheese then get to work .

  14. 我最后确定,位于贾尼科洛山(JaniculumHill)一座住宅楼低层中的饮食店DaCesarealCasaletto所供应的那种经典口味的阿马特里西酱细条通心粉,就是我想要模仿的口味。

    I decided that the classic bucatini all'amatriciana served at Da Cesare al Casaletto , a trattoria on the lower floor of a residential building on the Janiculum Hill , would be the one I tried to emulate .

  15. Pastitsio是一种用肉、通心粉和沙司烤制的焙盘菜。

    Pastitsio is a baked casserole dish of meat , macaroni , and sauce .

  16. Berge博士认为很多女性都努力为自己准备更健康的饮食,但也必须得为孩子准备通心粉和芝士或鸡块等食物。

    Berge says she thinks that many women in the study prepared healthier food for themselves , but also nibbled when serving foods like macaroni and cheese or chicken nuggets to their kids .

  17. 对于在一皮产生的通心粉(Semolina)和面粉的出率、灰分、蛋白含量、淀粉含量、淀粉破损进行了测定。

    The yields , ash , protein ( N × 5.7 ), total starch , and damaged starch contents of both semolina and flour , resulting from the first break system , were examined .

  18. 他要做他最拿手的通心粉。

    He 's going to make his famous macaroni and cheese .

  19. 史提夫:有些时候我喜欢吃起士通心粉。

    Steve : I like to eat macaroni and cheese sometimes .

  20. 冰箱里有某天晚上剩下的通心粉。

    There 's pasta from the other night in the fridge .

  21. 拿着你的通心粉蛋糕工具,把这血乎乎的牛排翻过来。

    Take your macaroni-caked implement , and flip your bloody steak .

  22. 最喜欢的食物:冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗。

    Favorite Food : Ice Cream , Pasta , Hot Dogs .

  23. 就如一大碗通心粉:

    It can be a bit like a bowl of spaghetti :

  24. 最爱的食物:通心粉和乃来或者巧克力。

    Favorite food : macaroni and cheese & or chocolate .

  25. 你打算怎么解决奶酪通心粉?

    What are you going to do about this Mac and cheese ?

  26. 通心粉,义大利面条,和细面条都是义大利面食的种类。

    Macaroni , spaghetti , and vermicelli are all types of pasta .

  27. 我提出做通心粉,但是我不同意。

    I offered to make pasta , but you declined .

  28. 他坐了下来吃一大盘通心粉。

    He sat down to a great dish of macaroni .

  29. 一些晚上马莎会做个砂锅或者通心粉。

    Some nights Marsha will fix a casserole or a pasta dish .

  30. 我点了一份意大利粉,结果上的是通心粉!

    I ordered a Spaghetti , but got a Macaroni !