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tōng yì
  • translate;interpreter
通译 [tōng yì]
  • [translate] 指给人做翻译

  • [interpreter] 给语言互不相通的人做翻译的人

通译[tōng yì]
  1. VI即(VisualIdentity),通译为视觉识别系统,是CIS系统最具传播力和感染力的部分。

    VI , VI that ( Visual Identity ), translated through visual recognition system , the CIS system is the most spread and appeal of the part .

  2. VI设计通译为视觉识别系统,是CIS系统中最具转播力和震撼力的部分。

    VI design is generally translated as visual identification system , which is the most transmission power and the major shocking part of the CIS system .

  3. 同时通译者需要许多的智慧和知识。

    The simultaneous interpreter needs lots of intelligence and knowledge .

  4. 翻译员和通译员所面对的挑战就是要了解这些差异。

    The challenge for translators and interpreters is to be aware of these differences .

  5. 通译和翻译因此不可或缺。

    Interpreters and translation are necessary .

  6. 因此,翻译员和通译员不可懈怠,他们必须积极地吸收新知识。

    Therefore , translators and interpreters cannot afford to be lazy . They must make an effort to acquire these new branches of knowledge .

  7. 以上的例子提醒我们,翻译员和通译员必须意识到不同种族和宗教之间的差异。

    The above anecdote serves to remind us that it is imperative for translators and interpreters to be aware of the differences between peoples and cultures .

  8. 为了了解外面的世界,林则徐在广州四处寻求通译人才,并创立了中国近代史上第一个官方翻译机构。

    In order to keep him informed of the changing world , Lin Zexu sought qualified translators in Canton and set up the first official translation institution in modern China .

  9. 因此,翻译员和通译员所面对的挑战之一就是意识到差异的存在,以及赶上我们周围所不断发生的变化。

    Thus , one of the challenges for translators and interpreters is to learn to appreciate differences and also to keep up with the constant change that is happening all around us .