
  • 网络fidei commissum;trust
  1. 据悉,系列电视剧《指环王》将由亚马逊工作室与托尔金遗产信托公司、哈珀柯林斯出版集团以及华纳兄弟旗下影业公司NewLineCinema联合制作。

    The Amazon LOTR series will be produced in-house at Amazon Studios alongside the Tolkien Estate and Trust , publisher HarperCollins and Warner Bros. Entertainment 's New Line Cinema .

  2. 现如今我们所说的遗产信托制度起源于英国的用益制度。

    The heritage trust we refer to originated from British usufruct system .

  3. 信托源于罗马法FideiCommissum(遗产信托)。

    Trust originated from " Fidei Commissum " of Roman law .

  4. 建构我国遗产信托制度的思考

    Thoughts on founding legacy trust system in China

  5. 遗产信托制度起源于英国,并且作为一项民事制度在英国已经发展的相当完善。

    The modern heritage trust system originated in Britain , and has evolved quite well as a civil system in the UK .

  6. 美国的遗产信托制度虽然没有英国完善,但也处于先进地位,信托已成为美国人个人乃至家庭理财的重要工具。

    Heritage trust system in the United States , although not as perfect as that in Britain is also in the leading position .

  7. 因此,把钱留给动物的主要方式是把它放在一只遗产信托中,请一位获得批准的受益人来照料动物。

    So the primary way to leave money to an animal is to set the money aside in a trust structure and ask a beneficiary who receives the grant to care for the animal .

  8. 区域项目-文化遗产与发展信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Regional Project - Cultural Heritage and Development

  9. 遗产税投资信托公司

    Estate duties investment trust