
bù duì
  • army;armed forces;unit;(units of) the armed forces;troop;presence
部队 [bù duì]
  • (1) [(units of) the armed forces;army]∶军队。今称有番号的军队

  • (2) [unit;troop]∶军队的一部分

  • 驻京部队

部队[bù duì]
  1. 几周之后他就要离开部队。

    He gets out of the army in a few weeks .

  2. 部队因伤亡惨重被迫撤退。

    The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses .

  3. 战争期间,他大部分时间都在部队服役。

    He served in the ranks for most of the war .

  4. 一支联合国部队被派出维护和平。

    A UN force has been sent to keep the peace .

  5. 将军必须让部队过河。

    The general had to get his troops across the river .

  6. 一支多国部队正赶往多事的地区。

    A multinational force is being sent to the trouble spot .

  7. 部队出发救助战区民众。

    The troops are on a mercy mission in the war zone .

  8. 更多的英国部队已派往前线。

    More British troops have been sent to the front .

  9. 他们强烈要求所有部队撤离。

    They are demanding that all troops should be withdrawn .

  10. 更多的部队被派往作战地区。

    More troops are being despatched to the war zone .

  11. 敌军显示出进攻的迹象,部队不得不进入戒备状态。

    Warnings of an enemy attack forced the troops onto the defensive .

  12. 作为一位将军,他得到了部队的精诚效忠。

    As a general , he inspired great loyalty in his troops .

  13. 他过去经常编造一些有关他在部队时的离奇故事。

    He used to spin yarns about his time in the Army .

  14. 部队开始了他们开往沿海地区的长途行军。

    The army began their long march to the coast .

  15. 联合国已要求撤出所有部队。

    The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn .

  16. 本书继而描述了他在部队的经历。

    The book goes on to describe his experiences in the army .

  17. 部队在全城采取了守势。

    Troops took up a defensive position around the town .

  18. 部队挫败了对该岛南部的渗透企图。

    Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island .

  19. 那支部队与基地失去了联络。

    The army was cut off from its base .

  20. 卫戍部队有半数在执行守备任务。

    Half the garrison is / are on duty .

  21. 部队经过乡村,一路抢劫掳掠。

    The troops crossed the country , plundering and looting as they went .

  22. 已派出部队去守卫边疆。

    Troops have been sent to defend the borders .

  23. 政府同意派遣一小支象征性的部队到那一地区。

    The government agreed to send a small token force to the area .

  24. 部队正从北部基地发动军事行动。

    Troops are operating from bases in the north .

  25. 保安部队的到达使局势更加难以控制。

    The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces .

  26. 两个大国都把部队撤离了这个地区。

    Both powers withdrew their forces from the region .

  27. 那个地区部署了2000人的部队。

    2 000 troops were deployed in the area .

  28. 部队准备开赴战场。

    The troops prepared themselves to go into battle .

  29. 他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。

    They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force .

  30. 部队向空中放空弹。

    The troops fired blanks in the air .