
  • 网络alcoholic hydroxyl;o-H
  1. 胍基和醇羟基在pH5~8的条件下对OX&2几乎没有交联反应活性。

    Guanidino groups and alcoholic hydroxyl groups scarcely possess crosslinking reactivity to OX - 2 over pH 5 to 8 .

  2. 推测支淀粉最先起反应,淀粉的C6的伯醇羟基易于与植酸钠反应。

    It was supposed that sodium phytate first reacted with amylopectin and hydroxyl groups of primary alcohol of C6 in starch molecular .

  3. 扩大经典式显示,C9结构单元中酚羟基和醇羟基的个数在活化后都有所增加,羰基和羧基数都不同程度地减少了。

    Expanded empirical formulas suggest that , in structure unit of C9 , the numbers of phenol and aliphatic hydroxyl both have increased , while the carboxyl and carbonyl have decreased after hydrogenation .

  4. 后期改性是通过PVA上醇羟基的缩醛化酯化、醚化等化学反应以及Michael加成反应等实现。

    The post-modification was accomplished by acetalization , esterification and etherification of hydroxyl group of PVA as well as Michael addition reaction .

  5. 脱水葡萄糖的C6伯醇羟基易与植酸钠反应;

    Sodium phytate was inclined to react with hydroxyl groups of primary alcohol at C 6 of starch molecular .

  6. FTIR,13C-NMR分析结果表明,原料中醇羟基和脂肪结构减少而芳香结构增加了,证实了上述推论。

    This was confirmed by a degree of alcoholic and aliphatic structures and an increase of aromatic structures , as shown by the FTIR , 13C-NMR analyses .

  7. ~1H-NMR和UV光谱分析显示反应后碱木质素的结构单元中苯环结构稳定,羰基、羧基、甲氧基有所减少,醇羟基和酚羟基的量增加了。

    ~ 1H-NMR and UV analysis show that , after reaction , benzene ring in the structure unit of the alkali lignin is steady , carboxyl , carbonyl and methoxyl all have reduced in different extent , while aliphatic and phenol hydroxyl have increased .

  8. 利用模板法合成1种新的含醇羟基西佛碱型大环冠醚L(7,11-二氮杂-3,15-二氧杂-4,5;8,10;13,14-三苯并环十六-6,11-二烯-1-醇)的铜、锌配合物。

    Copper and zinc complexes with macrocyclic Schiff base containing alcohol hydroxyl were synthesized by reaction of 1,3 bis ( 2 formylphenoxy ) 2 propanol with m phenylenediamine by template method .

  9. 本论文用生物转化和化学合成方法对C19甾体类药物中间体及其衍生物和异斯特维醇羟基衍生物的合成进行了研究。

    In this paper , the studies on the microbial transformation and chemical synthesis of the intermediates of steroid drugs and isosteviols have been carried out with biological and chemical methods .

  10. 具有分子末端醇羟基的聚芴的合成

    Synthesis of poly ( fluorene ) containing end-group of hydroxy

  11. 醇羟基及酚羟基化合物的催化胺化

    Study on Catalytic Amination of Alcohols and Phenols

  12. 铈盐引发丙烯腈在含醇羟基硅胶表面的接枝聚合

    Graft Polymerization of Acrylonitrile Initiated by Cerium Salt on Surface of Silica Gel Particles

  13. 麦草氧碱木素含有较多的醇羟基,更适合木素型聚氨酯的合成。

    Wheat straw oxygen alkaline lignin has more alcohol hydroxyl , so it is advantageous to synthesize lignin-based polyurethane ( LPU ) .

  14. 另外,与秆部木素相比,髓芯木素中醇羟基含量较高,酚羟基和甲氧基含量较低。

    In addition , compared with acidic lignin from stalk , aliphatic hydroxyl content of the lignin from pith was higher , phenolic hydroxyl and methoxy content were lower ;

  15. 由于木材溶液组成复杂,用于测定合成聚醚多元醇羟基值的方法一般不再适用于木材溶液羟基值的测定。

    Comparing with synthesized polyols , the composition of wood solution is complex . The methods of determining hydroxyl value of wood solution are different from in synthesized polyols .

  16. 将麦草氧碱木素与环氧丙烷反应得到改性木素,其酚羟基和醇羟基含量增加,提高了木素与二异氰酸酯的反应性能;

    Oxygen alkaline wheat straw lignin was modified by reacting with hydroxypropyl , the reactivity of the modified lignin which had more phenolic and alcoholic hydroxyls and diisocyanate was increased .

  17. 在此条件下,总羟基、醇羟基和酚羟基含量分别为:15.69%、11.45%、4.24%,分别增加了158.06%、310.40%以及28.86%;

    In that condition , the total hydroxyl , aliphatic and phenol hydroxyl are 15.69 % , 11.45 % and 4.24 % , increasing 158.06 % , 310.40 % and 28.86 % separately ;

  18. 相对而言,直接取代醇羟基不仅节省一步反应,而且生成的副产物是水,具有原子经济性,并减少副产物。

    In contrast , direct substitution of the hydroxyl groups in alcohols not only saves one step of synthetic manipulation , but also suppresses side reactions and exhibits atom-economy by generating byproduct water .

  19. 碱木质素是造纸工业碱法制浆黑液的主要成分,其甲氧基含量较高,醇羟基含量较低,导致化学反应活性低,因此提高其反应活性成为碱木质素高效利用的关键。

    As a main component of black liquid from papermaking industries adopting alkaline pulping , the high-efficient utilization of alkali lignin focuses on how to improve the chemical reactivity caused by its plentiful methoxyl and few aliphatic hydroxyls .

  20. 研究发现,苇浆残余木素比起芦苇木素具有较高的氢含量和较低的氧含量;较低的甲氧基含量和较高的酚羟基和醇羟基含量;

    The results indicate that compared with reed lignin , residual lignin in reed kraft pulp had higher contents of oxygen and phenolic and alcoholic hydroxyl groups , lower contents of methoxyl group , residual carbohydrates and total aldehydes after alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation .

  21. 木材发生α松弛过程的主要原因是吸着水分子的回转取向运动,发生β松弛过程的主要原因是无定形区细胞壁物质中的伯醇羟基基团的运动。

    The rotational motion of the adsorbed water molecules is the main reason that lead to the α - relaxation process of wood . The β - relaxation process is due to the motions of the methylol groups of the cell-wall polymers in the non-crystalline region .

  22. 分析结果表明,自制的牛粪活性炭可能含有醇羟基、羧基、酚羟基、氨基以及含磷基团等官能团,经过活化后的产品中一部碳原子形成了比较稳定的片层石墨结构。

    The results showed that the surface of the activated carbon may contain some functional groups , such as hydroxyl , carboxyl , pHenolic hydroxyl , amino and pHospHorus-containing functional groups etc , part of the carbon atom formed relatively stable lamellar grapHite structure after activated .

  23. 低不饱和度聚醚多元醇伯羟基含量的提高

    Increase of Content of Primary Hydroxyl Groups of Polyether Polyols with Low Unsaturation

  24. 近红外光谱法检测聚醚多元醇伯羟基与仲羟基的相对含量

    The Measurement of the Ratio of Primary Hydroxyl Group to Second Hydroxyl Group in Polyether Polyol by Near Infrared Spectrum

  25. 黄酮是一种无色有机化合物,天然黄色染料大多是黄酮或黄酮醇的羟基或甲氧基取代物。

    Yellow ketone is a colourless organic compound , natural yellow dyestuffs are mostly hydroxyls or first oxygen base substituents of yellow ketone or yellow ketone alcohol .

  26. 手性芳基醇、羟基羧酸是合成光学活性分子的关键中间体,广泛应用于食品、医药、精细化工及农业等领域。

    Chiral aromatic alcohol and hydroxy acid are important intermediates for the synthesis of optically active molecules and are widely applied in food , pharmaceutical , agricultural , fine chemicals areas .

  27. 由于多元醇的羟基(-OH)数目较多,分子体积较大,能大大降低反应分子在质子交换膜上的渗透率,提高燃料的利用率等。

    As the polyols ' hydroxyl ( - OH ) are numerous , larger molecules , so it can greatly reduce the permeability of molecules which through the proton exchange membrane , and improve fuels efficiency .

  28. 佛波醇酯和三羟基异黄醇对雌激素受体阳性细胞中三苯氧胺作用的影响

    Effects of TPA and Genistein on Tamoxifen Action in Estrogen Receptor Positive Cells

  29. 把提硼的萃取剂分为一元醇、二元醇、混合醇、羟基胺和其他类5部分加以叙述。

    The extractants are introduced by five parts , such as monobasic alcohol , diol , mixed alcohol , hydroxyl amine and others .

  30. 高沸醇木质素是一种天然可再生的高分子材料,在分子结构中含有大量的醇羟基和酚羟基,具有较高的反应活性。

    High boiling solvent ( HBS ) lignin is a renewable natural polymer with a lot of ethanol hydroxyl groups and phenol hydroxyl groups in the molecular structure , which shows better chemical activities .