
  • 网络hard of hearing people
  1. SHHH致力于给重听人以及他们的家庭成员提供信息和帮助,使重听人过上丰富多彩、理想有抱负的生活。

    SHHH dedicates itself to providing hard of hearing people and their families with information and support enabling people to live productive and fulfilling lives .

  2. 促使重听人从自建的孤独与绝望的囚笼中走出来绝非易事。

    It 's not easy to move hard of hearing people out of their self-constructed closet of isolation and despair .

  3. 我们在SHHH的经验证明,在重听人对自己的听力损失采取行动之前,一般都常常会多方面试探或与另一个重听人联络。

    Our experience at SHHH has demonstrated that it often takes multiple " hits " or contacts with a hard of hearing person before they take action about their hearing loss .

  4. 通过现代科学技术解决重听人和后天失听成年人工作问题;

    To activate hard of hearing and late deafened people to get employed through modern technology ;

  5. 与重听人打过交道的人都知道一个问题。

    People in contact with a hard of hearing person are aware that a problem exists .

  6. 相对于重听人实际总数,我们表现出的只是一个极小的数字。

    Proportionate to the possible membership , we represent a minuscule number of hard of hearing people .

  7. 提高重听人和后天失听成年人的物质的、精神的和社会工作条件;

    To improve the physical , mental and social working conditions of hard of hearing and late deafened people ;

  8. 加强对工作年龄段重听人和后天失听成年人的安置以及提高他们处理工作的能力;

    To enhance the placement of hard of hearing and late deafened adults in working life and coping in work ;

  9. 如我一般的器质上是重听人而完全生活在有声世界中的人占多少百分比?

    What percentage are people like myself who function as hard of hearing people and live entirely in the hearing world ?

  10. 当你和重听人沟通时,必须遵循一些简单规则令效果最佳。

    When you communicate with a hard of hearing person , you have to follow a few simple rules to maximise the communication .

  11. 另一方面,重听人很少加入或留在重听人组成的组织当中成为其中的成员。

    Hard of hearing people , on the other hand , rarely join or stay members of organizations composed of hard of hearing people .

  12. 我认为我们应该为重听人另设一个模式,这个模式藉着社团内部的互相影响从而覆盖和扩大其传统利益。

    I think we need another model for hard of hearing people , one that overlaps and extends the traditional benefits of support group interactions .

  13. “对不起,”我说,“我不确定我是否理解正确你的意思?重听人的文化?”

    " Excuse me ," I said . " I 'm not sure that I understood what you said . A culture of hard of hearing people ?"

  14. 我相信我们应该支持正面的有积极意义的新闻,报导各个年龄段的重听人的故事,来说明通过技术和对策可以帮助人们过上正常的、丰富多彩的生活。

    I believe we should encourage positive news stories about people of all ages demonstrating that technology and other strategies can help people live normal , productive lives .

  15. 面对面说,以确保你的脸容易看到。你的脸部表情和嘴唇动作对重听人非常重要。

    Talk face to face ensuring that your face is easy to see . Facial expressions and lip movements are very important for the hard of hearing person .

  16. 基于这一事实下的问题是:我们作为重听人没有这样有系统有组织地清楚表达出我们自己的需求和权利。

    The problem lies in the fact that we , as hard of hearing people , have not been so organized about articulating our own needs and our rights .

  17. 他们面临着一个年长的重听人不会面临的冲突,我们至少必须知道是否能给这些孩子们提供他们所需要的支持。

    They face a conflict which older hard of hearing people do not have , one which must be at least be acknowledged if we are to provide these children with the support they need .

  18. 我告诉她,重听人有着和聋人完全不同的生活方式,聋人有自己的语言而且认为他们自己是一种独立文化的一部份。

    I told her that I felt that hard of hearing people had a different approach to their lives than deaf people who have their own language and consider themselves to be part of a separate culture .

  19. 与聋文化中的人不同,重听人不再把自己当作是群聚的组织(如种族、宗教或其它利益组织)当中的一个成员。

    Unlike people who are part of Deaf culture , hard of hearing people generally don 't , as one of our members once remarked " cluster together " like ethnic , religious or other interest groups .

  20. 可是没有这种神奇的药,重听人第一次有明显的听力损失时,大部分人所做的就是于人于己都否认听力损失的存在。

    But since such magic cures are , unfortunately , not available , what most hard of hearing people do when the hearing loss is first evident , is to deny that it exists , to themselves and to others .

  21. 我在重听家庭中长大&我的父亲和奶奶都是重听人。

    I grew up with hearing loss in my family & both my father and paternal grandmother were hard of hearing .