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  1. 这些胶囊可以在你重踏地面时吸震,并给你的脚提供“比任何一款跑鞋减震泡沫材料更多的能量”。

    These capsules absorb shock and impact as you pound the pavements , and provide your feet with " more energy return than any other foam cushioning material in the running industry . "

  2. “筝协奏曲”,不仅打自己的乐器,而且还有助于重踏,叹息和手拍打,有时在东仪器模仿。

    In the " Zheng Concerto " the players are not only playing their own instruments , but also contributing stomps , yips , yells sighs and hand-slaps , sometimes in imitation of Eastern instruments .

  3. 迈克尔·道格拉斯[著名演员]:“美国精神中的这种自信尤为令人叹服,甚至从不去想失败的可能。”杰迪·史密斯重踏征程,这就是新的美国精神,开拓进取个性张扬,坚韧顽强。

    There is an amazing sense of confidence as part of that American spirit that doesn ' t. .. even think about failing . Jed Smith pushes on . This is the new character of America : frontier grit , rugged individualism , survival .

  4. 那时,你我或许白发苍苍,那个年龄,我们只能握握手,说说话,然后,挥挥手,重又踏上彼此最后的旅程。

    At that time , you and I may be white-haired , that age , we can only shake hands and speak , and then waved to each other again set foot on the final journey .