
  • 网络heavy haul traffic;heavy haul transport
  1. 铁路重载运输组织的规模经济性分析模型

    Research on Scale Economy Model of Railway Heavy Haul Traffic

  2. 面对铁路运输需求的不断增长,高速、重载运输的快速发展,增强运输安全保障能力、提升运输服务质量、提高运输能力等需要,铁路需要智能化发展,智能铁路成为铁路发展的方向。

    Facing of ever growing needs of railway transportation , the development of high speed and heavy haul traffic , safety transportation , service quality and capacity requirements , railway needs intelligent development approach .

  3. 为满足AAR重载运输的要求,ABC公司通过计算机仿真优化设计,提高了车轮承载能力。

    The load carrying capacity of wheels is improved through the optimization design of computer simulation in ABC Company to meet requirements of heavy haul transport in AAR .

  4. 研制30t以上大轴重货车转向架是中国重载运输发展的下一个目标,其中对径向转向架的重载化改造是可行的路径之一。

    Developing big axle load freight bogie above 30t is the next target of China heavy haul , and the transformation to heavy haul on the steering bogie is a feasible path .

  5. 在进行BHP铁矿石重载运输时,列车平均轴重在35t以上、整列车由220辆车组成的情况已为数不少,列车的纵向动力常常会大于1000kN。

    In the heavy haul environment at BHP Iron Ore , where average axle loads are above 35 tonnes and trains longer than 220 cars are not uncommon , longitudinal train dynamics frequently result in forces greater than 1 000 kN .

  6. 为此,铁路货运需发展重载运输。

    Therefore , it is necessary to develop heavy haul transport .

  7. 本文综述了国内外铁路重载运输的发展现状,简要阐述了轮轨相互作用的研究进展。

    Briefly expounds on the development of wheel / rail interaction .

  8. 盾构法隧道施工重载运输配套技术

    Heavy load transportation technology associated with shield machine for tunnel construction

  9. 第七届国际铁路重载运输大会学术交流综述

    Survey on Academic Exchange in 7th International Railway Heavy Haul Transport Conference

  10. 大秦线重载运输安全保障系统的研究

    Study on Safety Ensuring System for Da-Qin Heavy Haul Railway

  11. 我国铁路重载运输的发展及其对机车的要求

    Development of Out Railway Heavy Haul Transport and Its Requirements of Locomotive

  12. 区分不同层次,发展重载运输配套技术

    Developing Heavy - Haul Operation Technology Package for Different Levels of Operation

  13. 为此,要从软件上下功夫,积极研究探讨大秦线重载运输组织模式。

    Hence transportation organization mode must be studied on software .

  14. 国际铁路重载运输发展概况

    The Development of International Railway Heavy - Duty Transport

  15. 重载运输是铁路运输发展的重要趋势。

    It is major trend to develop heavy load in the railway transport .

  16. 金属闸瓦制动摩擦机理的研究及其对重载运输的适用性

    Friction Mechanism of Metal Brake Shoe and its Adaptability to Heavy Haul Transportation

  17. 目标规划在铁路重载运输组织中的应用

    Application of Goal Programming in Railway Heavy Haul Transportation

  18. 较重载运输而言,快捷货运的发展相对缓慢。

    Compared to heavy-haul transport , the rapid speed freight transport develops tardily .

  19. 铁路混凝土梁对重载运输疲劳适应性的试验研究

    An Experimental Investigation on the Fatigue Adaptability of Heavy-load Transport of Railway Concrete Bridge

  20. 这一准则对于推进我国铁路重载运输的发展有着重要的指导意义。

    The rule has important meaning for development of our country railway freight transportation .

  21. 大秦线重载运输10年的经济效益和贡献

    Economic Benefits and Contributions of Datong - Qinhuangdao Railway Heavy-haul Transportation for 10 Years

  22. 长大列车的制动问题是重载运输首先需要决解的难题之一。

    Train braking is one of chief problems to be solved for heavy-haul transport .

  23. 发展重载运输是提高我国铁路运能的关键对策

    Developing Heavy Duty Traffic the Key Way to Increase Railway Carrying Capacity in China

  24. 铁路技术装备是发展重载运输的物质技术基础。

    Railway technical equipment is the basis for the development of heavy haul transportation .

  25. 重载运输是除高速以外,铁路现代化的又一个标志。

    Heavy haul transportation is another mark of railway modernization in addition to high-speed train .

  26. 本实用新型应用于铁路高速重载运输领域。

    The utility model is applied in the high speed heavy load railway transportation field .

  27. 重载运输是世界铁路货物运输技术发展的重要方向。

    Heavy freight transportation is the major development orientation of railway freightage techniques in the world .

  28. 在铁路重载运输中,行车组织是重中之重。

    The traveling organization is the hard core in the heavy load transportation of the railway .

  29. 而发展高速重载运输是提高铁路运能和运量的主要手段。

    Developing the high speed and heavy haul railway is the main means to realize it .

  30. 研究表明,重载运输可使路基路面使用年限缩短40%左右。

    Research shows that heavy-duty road transport can shorten the life of roadbed about 40 % .