
Now alternative methods of weighting indices are being developed , such as the " anti-benchmark " approach of French quant tobam , which systematically weights index components based on their correlation to each other to maximise diversification .
( Quant , Long / Short , Global Macro , etc * )
Large amounts of money poured into quant funds , both long-only and hedge funds .
Investor attitudes to quant managers are not uniform , even after the struggles of the past few years .
This is not to say quant managers are sitting back and waiting for things to go their way again .
Goldman has more than doubled its quantitative money in the past three years to $ 100bn , all actively managed .
More recently , quant funds have struggled as their performance , by and large , failed to satisfy investors through the credit crisis and afterwards .
It is difficult to get a precise handle on exact numbers flowing in or out of quant funds because the definition of such products is not clear-cut .
Other quants have looked at improving their trading techniques to squeeze extra performance from their models , while others are examining questions of timing in switching to eke out returns .
Like many investment innovations , quant managers ' core ideas have become mainstream – now they find themselves at the edge of thinking about what exactly investors want from their portfolios and how that might be produced .
David Harding , head of Winton Capital , one of the biggest quantitative hedge funds in the world , is also doubtful that AI represents a quantum leap for the investment industry .
Three of the 10 biggest hedge funds in the world are purely quantitative .
There has also been growth in indices for investment areas that are often illiquid and difficult to measure , such as hedge funds and property .