
  • 网络the financial times;financial time
  1. 《金融时报》说此举一反美国以往的政策。

    The Financial Times says the move represents a complete reversal of previous US policy

  2. 麦格劳·希尔公司没有对评论的请求进行回应,但是其首席执行官大卫·莱文在8月份时告诉《金融时报》,“在高等教育中,印刷教材的时代现在已经结束了。”

    McGraw Hill didn 't respond to a request for comment , but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that " in higher education , the era of the printed textbook is now over . "

  3. 还有些出版商,如《金融时报》(FinancialTimes),则干脆撤出了苹果的应用商店,推出了自己的网页应用。

    Some , like the financial times , pulled out of the app store and went with a web app instead .

  4. 他的新书《战略优劣谈》(GoodStrategy/BadStrategy)入选了《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)与高盛年度最佳商业图书奖的决胜名单。

    His good strategy / bad strategy was shortlisted for the 2011 financial times and Goldman Sachs business book of the year .

  5. 戴尔为《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)的记者,他引述了造成中国当下战略困境的最近三起事件。

    Mr. Dyer , a journalist for the Financial Times , cites three recent events that have shaped China 's current strategic predicament .

  6. 三月底,金永吉在《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)言论版倡导创造一个具有包容精神的世行,但却对性别问题只字不提。

    On Wednesday , Kim called for an inclusive world bank in a Financial Times op-ed ; there was not one mention of gender .

  7. 上周接受英国《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)采访时,涅姆佐夫承认他的事业困难重重,尽管如此,他仍不知疲倦地推进这一事业。

    In an interview with the Financial Times last week , he acknowledged the difficulty of his cause but nevertheless remained tireless in promoting it .

  8. 事实上,如果不是《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)上周三晚间曝出这则消息,迫使其不得不表态,花旗可能会继续保持沉默。

    In fact , it might still be mum if the financial times had not broken the story late last night , prompting Citi to confirm it .

  9. 在《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)去年11月刊登的采访中,盖茨称他预计将花费大量的时间与微软新首席执行长共事。

    In an interview with the Financial Times published in November , Mr. Gates said he expected to spend considerable time working with the next Microsoft CEO .

  10. 应英国《金融时报》的要求,受访者是由波士顿咨询集团(bostonconsultinggroup)的顾问们随机挑选的。

    The individuals were chosen at random by consultants from Boston Consulting Group at the request of the financial times .

  11. 为编制2014年MBA排行榜,英国《金融时报》调查了来自153所商学院的2.3万名毕业生。

    To compile the 2014 ranking the FT surveyed 23,000 alumni from 153 business schools .

  12. 《金融时报》全球MBA项目排名所收集到的数据,证实了这一信心。

    Data collected for the Financial Times ranking of global MBA programme bears out these beliefs .

  13. 一位研究人员告诉《金融时报》(FinancialTimes):女性更注重社会成功,而非商业成功,她们比男性从组织中获得的更多。

    As one researcher told the Financial Times , Women are putting more emphasis on the social than commercial success and they are getting more out of the organization than men .

  14. 只需看一下为《金融时报》收集的mba院校排名数据,就明白她的关注并非空穴来风。

    A glance at the data collected for the financial times MBA rankings bears out her concerns .

  15. 利比亚投资局(libyaninvestmentauthority)持有培生集团(pearson)3.27%的股份,而英国《金融时报》隶属于培生。

    The Libyan Investment Authority had accumulated a 3.27 per cent stake in Pearson , which owns the financial times .

  16. 2008年,英国《金融时报》有了百年难遇的机会,对自1929年大萧条(greatcrash)以来最严重的金融危机进行了报道、分析和评论。

    In 2008 , thefinancial timeshad a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to report , analyse and comment on the most serious financial crisis since the great crash of 1929 .

  17. 英国《金融时报周末版》(ftweekend)的读者会认为还有其它场地应该包括在这一类别中,欢迎通过电子邮件提出建议。

    FT weekend readers will have other candidates for inclusion in this category and e-mail suggestions are welcome .

  18. Twitter联合创始人兼创意总监,34岁的比兹斯通在接受《金融时报》采访时表示。

    Biz Stone , 34 , co-founder and Creative Director of Twitter , talks to the Financial Times .

  19. 瑞银违规交易丑闻曝光前不久,《金融时报》曾报道过被业内人士称为“交割违约”(failstodeliver)的现象。

    Shortly before the UBS scandal broke the FT reported on a phenomenon known in the industry as fails to deliver .

  20. 该奖项于周二晚在伦敦公布。四个月前,《金融时报》在WhatThePapersSay评奖中,也荣获年度最佳报纸奖。

    The award , announced in London on Tuesday night , comes four months after the FT won Newspaper of the Year at the What The Papers Say awards .

  21. 英国《金融时报》1月曾报道,SEC正在关注阿里巴巴和工商总局的调查。

    The Financial Times reported in January that the SEC was looking into Alibaba and the SAIC probe .

  22. 不过,英国《金融时报》委托美国咨询公司环球透视(globalinsight)对全球制造业进行的新预测,或许能让他受到鼓舞。

    He might , however , take heart from new projections for the global manufacturing sector produced for the financial times by global insight , a US-based consultancy .

  23. 另外华硕CEO沈振来自己也对《金融时报》(TheFinancialTimes)承认,由于处理器的散热问题,制造这么一个薄薄的底架,在工艺上也是一个很艰巨的挑战。

    Manufacturing such a thin chassis is a challenge , too , something Asus'own CEO Jerry Shen told The Financial Times , pointing to possible heat problems due to the processor .

  24. 上周,《金融时报》(TheFinancialTimes)对清华经管学院设计的有关A股的口号进行了报道。这之后,网上的很多中文评论对此表示难以置信,或对清华学生进行了批评。

    After The Financial Times reported last week on the economics school 's planned slogan referring to A shares , or stocks traded in China , many online comments in Chinese expressed disbelief or criticized the Tsinghua students .

  25. 我不知道写作《战争与和平》(WarandPeace)花了多长时间,但显然看上去罗孚案调查人员正试图超过这一纪录,他向英国《金融时报》表示。

    I don 't know how long it took to write War and Peace but it certainly looks like the Rover inspectors are trying to trump it , he told the Financial Times .

  26. 这个项目是今年英国《金融时报》EMBA排行榜中排名最高的加拿大课程。

    This year the programme is the highest-rank Canadian-based programme in the FT EMBA rankings .

  27. IHSAutomotive咨询公司对《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)表示,到2020年,入门级SUV的全球销量有望从今年的70万辆增长到240万辆。

    IHS automotive told the financial times that global sales of the segment are expected to rise to 2.4 million by 2020 from 700,000 in the current year .

  28. 他喜欢指出,在北岩(NorthernRock)陷入危机、预示相当大部分英国银行业接近破产前数月,他在接受英国《金融时报》采访时,就强调了银行业资本金水平。

    He likes to point out that he gave an interview to the FT focusing on bank capital levels months before Northern Rock presaged the near-collapse of a large part of the British banking sector .

  29. 刚刚离职的美国国防部网络政策主管罗伯特布特勒(RobertButler)告诉英国《金融时报》,这就是为何网络是一个由攻方主宰的空间的原因。

    That is why cyber is an offense-dominant space , Robert Butler , just-departed Pentagon cyber policy chief , told the Financial Times .

  30. 莎拉·莫瑞是“金融时报”的撰稿人。在她的新书“MakinganExit”中,她讲述了自己周游世界发现不同文化下人们如何执行丧仪纪念死者。

    In her new book " Making an Exit ", Sarah Murray , a contributor to the Financial Times , travels the globe to discover how different cultures conduct funeral rites and honour the dead .