
  • 网络financial service;finance;finance service
  1. 《金融服务法》于4年前开始实施。

    The Financial Services Act came into operation four years ago

  2. WTO金融服务贸易法律与我国金融服务法律的完善

    WTO Financial Services Trade Law and the Improvement of Chinese Financial Services Law

  3. 保留传统金融服务方式、提升网络消费便利化水平。

    It also underscored the importance of retaining traditional financial service modes while making online consumption more convenient for this group .

  4. 金融服务专题展外国参展方数量增�2020年服贸会金融服务专题展有43家外国金融机构参展,今年的外国参展商数量增加了16家。

    The CIFTIS hosted 43 foreign financial institutions at the financial services exhibition in 2020 , and this year saw the addition of 16 more .

  5. 加入WTO与我国金融服务贸易改革

    Post-WTO China and its Financial Service Reform

  6. 开放我国银行业市场,作为WTO中金融服务贸易谈判的一个主题。

    Being open our banking market is a subject of finance service in WTO negotiation .

  7. WTO法律体系是规范成员方之间经济与贸易交往的多边经济条约群,金融服务贸易也在其管辖之列。

    WTO Laws is a set of multilateral treaties regulating trade activities including financial services between WTO members .

  8. 我国金融服务市场开放与WTO的要求之间还存在一些差距,我国应采取措施,保证金融服务市场开放有序健康地进行。

    Therefore measures should be taken to ensure an orderly , healthy opening of the financial service market .

  9. 尽管英国金融服务局(FinancialServicesAuthority)是一家警惕性很高的监管机构,但它在起诉一家企业前,会想办法通过非正式渠道解决问题。

    While the UK 's Financial Services Authority is a vigilant regulator , it will try to resolve a problem informally before suing a company .

  10. WTO金融服务贸易法律是WTO法律体系的一个重要组成部分,是GATS的核心内容。

    WTO financial service trade law is an important component of WTO law system and the key content of GATS .

  11. 小额信贷(Microfinance),指对低收入的人群和微型企业所提供的无需抵押物的金融服务。

    Microfinance is non-collateral financial service which provide to low-income crowd and mini-enterprise .

  12. IBMSOAAdvancedTechnologiesUSDesignCenter最近针对金融服务客户进行了一项SOA概念证明,使用ESB启用业务到业务的消息路由和转换。

    IBM SOA Advanced Technologies US Design Center has recently performed an SOA proof-of-concept for a financial services client using ESB to enable business-to-business message routing and transformation .

  13. 尽管我们有悠久的历史和比较高的知名度,我们知道自己不会从中国在加入WTO后进一步开放的金融服务中自动获得利益。

    Despite this history and this recognition , we know that we will not automatically benefit from the further opening of China 's financial services sector under WTO .

  14. 很多IT组织(特别是在金融服务和保险行业中的IT组织)都已经开始增量型开发项目,以在其部分现有软件投资组合中实现SOA支持。

    Many IT organizations , especially in the financial services and insurance sectors , have already begun incremental development projects to SOA-enable parts of their existing software portfolios .

  15. WTO《金融服务协议》在我国体现为开放金融服务市场的具体承诺,包括对银行、保险、证券市场开放所做的具体承诺。

    When China entered WTO in 2001 , it made specific commitments under Financial Services Agreement , including the specific commitments on opening up the bank , insurance and securities market .

  16. 业务对象模型(BusinessObjectModel,FS-BOM)为所有金融服务概念提供用例定义和集成类模型,以支持需求定义和面向业务的解决方案设计。

    Business Object Model ( FS-BOM ) provides use case definitions and an integrated class model of all financial services concepts to support requirements definition and business-oriented solution design .

  17. 当前,自动柜员机(ATM,AutomatedTellerMachine)作为一种方便人们日常生活的工具已经成为银行为其客户提供金融服务的重要渠道。

    Recently , Automated Teller Machine ( ATM ) has become an important method to provide financial service for the bank 's customer as a convenient tool .

  18. “中国正走上一条非常不均衡的经济增长道路,”全球保险集团苏黎世金融服务集团(zurichfinancialservices)集团首席经济学家丹尼尔霍夫曼(danielhofmann)表示。

    " China is on a very unbalanced path of economic growth , " said Daniel Hofmann , group chief economist at Zurich Financial Services , the global insurance group .

  19. 城市的重要性是毋庸置疑的,它占到了国内生产总值(GDP)的50%至52%,同时提供着贸易、商业、金融服务和制造业领域约三分之二的从业机会。

    The importance of the urban sector is indisputable , contributing 50 – 52 per cent of gross domestic product and around two-thirds of employment in trade , commerce , financial services and manufacturing .

  20. 查看IBM年度报告,您将会发现如果一个公司在软件、硬件、咨询和金融服务方面的跨度远远超过其他公司时,该公司则呈强势增长。

    Look at at IBM 's annual report , and you 'll see strong growth in a company whose software , hardware , consulting , and financial services span a range that no competitor can match .

  21. 本周,英国金融服务管理局(FSA)出台了规范银行家薪酬的新规,要求薪酬更加明确地与公司战略相一致。

    This week the Financial Services Authority launched a new code for bankers ' pay to align it more clearly with corporate strategy .

  22. 让您在广泛的行业标准(包括金融服务、医疗保健、保险、EDI等等)中利用WebSphereTXIndustryPack提供的预定义数据格式。

    Lets you leverage predefined data formats provided by the WebSphere TX Industry Pack for a wide range of industry standards including financial services , healthcare , insurance , EDI , and more .

  23. 奥斯本错误地承诺将解散英国金融服务监管局,将其职责移交给自满的英国央行(BoE)。

    Mistakenly , Mr Osborne has pledged to scrap the FSA and transfer its role to a complacent Bank of England .

  24. 无论中国何时加入世界贸易组织(WTO),作为对外经济贸易合作的一项重要内容,金融服务业的市场开放已势所必然,这使我国银行业面临严峻的考验。

    Whenever China accedes to WTO , as an important item in foreign economy and traed co operation , it is inevitable to open financial service trades market . This will make banking in our country face a severe test .

  25. 本文第一章介绍了WTO金融服务贸易法律的基本原则和具体规则。

    The first chapter reviews the basic principles and the specific rules of WTO financial services trade law . Then , the second chapter analyzes the environments of the application of WTO financial services trade law to Chinese banking industry by the means of integrating theory with practice .

  26. 深入分析了青岛的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,在SWOT分析的基础上,对青岛港及其金融服务发展的目标、定位、路径和策略进行了研究。

    The advantages and disadvantages , the opportunities and the challenges were analyzed in detail . On the basis of the SWOT analysis , the development target , orientation , approach and strategy of Qingdao Port and its financial service were studied .

  27. 小额贷款(Microfinance)又称微型融资,可定义为一种特殊的金融服务亦或金融机构,主要为那些被排斥于正规金融体系之外的客户提供额度较小的金融服务。

    Small loans , also known as micro-financing , can be defined as a special kind of financial services or financial institutions , mainly those who have been excluded from the formal financial system than the smaller amount of customers in financial services .

  28. CIB村镇银行作为一家新兴的银行金融服务企业,在中国银行快速发展的背景下,不仅机构数量迅速增加,业务规模也不断壮大。

    As an emerging banking and financial services company in the context of the rapid development of the Bank of China , the CIB village bank faces the challenges of rapidly increasing in agencies ' number , but also the growing in the scale of business .

  29. 金融服务公司欧力士(orix)将成为首家在香港发行所谓的“点心债券”的日本公司,由此成为涉足新生人民币市场的少数外国银行和公司之一。

    Orix , a financial services company , is poised to become the first Japanese company to issue so-called " dim sum " bonds in Hong Kong , adding to the smattering of foreign banks and companies tapping the nascent renminbi market .

  30. 论国际金融服务外包及中国的应对策略

    Discuss the International Financial Service Outsourcing and China 's Corresponding Strategies