
  1. 但是,印度很注意合理运用WTO的有关规则来维护自己的利益,开放承诺同银行、非银行金融机构、证券、保险业等的现状有很大的差距。

    In fact , there will be a long way to go from the present condition of the banks , securities companies , insurance companies and other financial institutions of India to fulfillment of the promise to open up India 's financial sector .

  2. 解除管制的第二步,是拆除金融机构内部证券业务与银行业务之间的防火墙。

    The second leg of the deregulation involved the removal of the firewall within financial institutions between the securities business and the banking business .

  3. 美联储可以使用逆回购协议向金融机构出售证券,同时承诺将在日后买回。

    The Fed can use reverse repos selling a security to financial institutions along with a promise to buy the asset back at a later date .

  4. 企业年金的基金运营在当前主要是存入银行和购买国债,也有个别地方委托金融机构从事证券等投资。

    At present , enterprise fund are mainly deposited to bank or buy national debts , also in some specific place the fund is engaged in security and make investment .

  5. 在美国,保诚的子公司杰克逊国民人寿保险公司在各个州都有分支,销售产品的渠道不仅有独立代理商,还有金融机构和证券经纪人。

    In the Unites States , Prudential 's subsidiary , Jackson national Life is represented in all states and distributes products through independent agents as well as financial institutions and broker-dealers .

  6. 同时,投资者表示,保尔森已经将部分头寸套现,然后把资金挪去做空债券保险公司和银行等金融机构的证券,希望从全面的金融危机中获利。

    Meanwhile , Mr Paulson has cashed in some positions , investors say , and moved money to short securities of financial institutions such as bond insurers and banks instead , aiming to profit from the general financial malaise .

  7. 作为证券市场上最重要的金融机构,证券公司在金融体系中扮演着重要角色,其功能的充分有效发挥要求具有稳定、高效、充足的资金来源。

    As the most important financial institution in the security market , security companies are playing an important role in the financial system . In order to fully utilize its functions , stable , efficient and amply funding source have to be insured .

  8. 当金融机构得以通过证券化大规模出售信贷时,消费者曾从金融创新中受益。

    Consumers benefited from financial innovation when securitisation allowed institutions to sell credit aggressively .

  9. 外资金融机构进入中国证券市场的思考

    Pondering over the entry of foreign ? Owned institutions into the securities market in China

  10. 对传染风险的估计也存在低估的可能,同时银行同业拆借市场的传染风险正在从银行同业之间向银行与其他金融机构尤其是证券公司之间扩散。

    There also are sources of underestimation of contagion risk and contagion risk is now spreading to other financial institutions , especially security companies .

  11. 但同时,外资进入会给我国证券市场带来巨大的风险,这些风险包括市场风险、价格风险、金融机构风险以及证券市场监管风险。

    But in another way , the foreign capital also brings risks to China 's security market , including market risk , price risk , financial institution risk and supervision risk .

  12. 中国已在其严格管理的境外投资制度下恢复批准金融机构购买海外证券,此前这方面的活动曾停顿了17个月。此举似乎表明北京方面认为金融危机的最糟糕阶段已经结束。

    China has resumed approvals for institutions to buy overseas securities under its tightly managed offshore investment regime after a 17-month hiatus , suggesting Beijing believes the worst of the financial crisis is over .

  13. 2008年,欧洲一些金融机构没有投资于证券。现在它们正在回归。

    In Europe , some financial institutions did not invest in equities in 2008 . Now they are coming back .

  14. 除中国外,该地区金融机构受抵押贷款证券(或者次债危机)的直接影响是有限的。

    Except for China , direct exposures of financial institutions in the region to mortgage-based securities ( or sub-prime crisis ) are limited .

  15. 相比商业银行等其他金融机构,我国证券公司的成立要晚得多,但是证券公司的发展却很迅猛,并且极大地推动了证券市场的建设和融资方式比例的调整。

    Compared with other financial institutions such as commercial Banks , the establishment of security companies in China is late , but the development is very rapid , and greatly promote the construction of the security market , adjust the financing way of the proportion .

  16. 相反,它面向金融机构,为金融机构承销证券。

    Instead it deals with financial institutions and it gets involved in underwriting securities for financial institutions .

  17. 金融证券业务部:策划金融机构、证券承销机构的设置;

    Financial Securities Department : Designing the set-up of financial institutes and securities agencies ;

  18. 在金融市场买卖证券,代表金融机构进行金融证券的交易和分配。

    Buys and sells securities within financial markets , and trades and distributes financial securities on behalf of financial institutions .

  19. 美、英、日等主要发达国家均放弃了对金融分业经营的严格规定,允许金融机构对银行、证券、保险、信托等金融业务实行混业经营。

    Some main developed countries such as American 、 England and Japan , all of them give up the restrictive rules of separated management of financial system , permit the financial institution carry out integrative management of financial system on financial business including bank 、 securities 、 insurance and entrust .

  20. 第二章回顾分析了金融中介理论,从中探寻商业银行这一金融中介机构与证券市场或者其他非银行金融中介机构相比,是否在某些功能上具有相对的优势。

    Firstly , the financial intermediation theory is addressed to clarify that commercial bank is special compared with capital market and other financial intermediaries .

  21. 文章以为,随着金融构造的演化,活动性的内涵不时扩展,金融机构以证券化的方式完成活动性的扩张。

    It holds that with the evolution of financial structure , the meaning of liquidity becomes broader , financial institution expands liquidity through securitization .