
jiàn dìnɡ yì jiàn
  • expert opinion
  1. 当前鉴定意见质证程序存在着规则不完善、形式化等问题。

    Current expert opinion cross-examination procedure has such problems as imperfect rules and formal .

  2. 鉴定意见是我国民事诉讼法中明确规定的一种证据形式,对于案件事实的认定起着很重要的作用。

    Expert opinion is one of the country lawsuit legal evidence forms . It plays an important role to determine the case facts .

  3. 略论提高司法鉴定意见权威性&以刑事诉讼为视野

    On Improving the Authority of Forensic Conclusions-In the View of Criminal Proceedings

  4. 民事诉讼中司法会计鉴定意见及其质证

    Forensic Accounting Appraisal and Its Cross Examination in Civil Lawsuits

  5. 鉴定意见是很多刑事案件中的重要证据。

    Expert view is a kind of important proof in many criminal cases .

  6. 前言:本文从三个方面进行论述,即法医学鉴定意见的案情趋向性;

    The paper includes three parts : the expert opinion of forensic medicine can state the condition of cases ;

  7. 包括大陆法系的鉴定意见制度和英美法系的专家证言制度。

    It includes " expert conclusion " of continental law system and " expert witness " of Anglo-American law system .

  8. 文章最后提出了或然性司法鉴定意见认证的评断标准和基本原则。

    The article also demonstrates the judge standards and basic principles for the adoption of the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser .

  9. 不断完善鉴定意见的质证程序,推动专家辅助人在实际运作中有效的发挥作用。

    These suggestions aim to improve the procedure of cross-examination , and to make expert assistant operate effectively in the litigation practice .

  10. 通过对言词证据内涵的界定及范围的几种说法认可了将鉴定意见归为言词证据的学说。

    Based on defining the connotation and scope of evidence is more recognized the " expert opinions " classified as verbal evidence theory .

  11. 司法会计鉴定意见指司法会计鉴定人针对司法机关提请鉴定的财务会计问题,根据其对财务会计资料及相关证据的检验结果,进行科学的鉴别、分析和判断后所得出的结论性意见。

    Judicial accounting expert opinion is a conclusive opinion through scientific identification , analysis and judgment conducted by identifiers on financial accounting issues .

  12. 司法机关将鉴定意见告知当事人后,当事人对鉴定意见不服便会申请重新鉴定。

    After being informed of the expert opinion by judicial organs , the parties will apply for reappraisal if they are not satisfied with the expert opinion .

  13. 例如,她声称,自己曾见过一些值得怀疑的归属鉴定意见,撰写它们的著名学者自己不可能真的这么认为。

    For instance , she claims she has come across attributions that are so questionable they could surely not really have been believed by the eminent scholars who wrote them .

  14. 并分析了建立独立的鉴定意见认证规则的必要性,同时联系程序正义的内在要求,为如何建立鉴定意见认证规则指明了方向。

    And analysis of expert opinion to establish an independent certification rules need to contact both the inherent requirements of procedural justice , expert opinion on how to establish certification rules for the direction .

  15. 司法鉴定意见在诉讼中的应用日益增多,其影响力也在不断增强,鉴定意见在帮助法官解决案件专门性问题的同时,也给法官带来了难题。

    Expert opinion of Justice in the proceedings will be used increasingly , its influence is also growing , expert opinion to help judges resolve the case in the special issues , but also brings challenges to the judge .

  16. 刑事鉴定意见是我国刑事诉讼法修订后所规定的法定证据种类的其中之一,用以解决刑事诉讼过程当中在认定案件事实时所出现的专门性问题。

    The criminal identification opinion is one of the stipulated legal evidence types after the amendment of Chinese Criminal Procedure , which is laid down to solve the emerging special problems in the process of recognizing the case facts of criminal proceedings .

  17. 通过对试验测控台实际运行数据的分析和专家鉴定意见表明,该试验台具备提高效率、降低工人劳动强度和保护设备及人身安全的多重功效,达到设计要求。

    After the analyzing the experiment data and through experts comment , this test rack could enhance the efficiency , lower the labor intensity and sufficiently protect the operator and the apparatus , so it could says the design had achieved the project 's demand .

  18. 本文从鉴定意见的历史、鉴定意见的价值、现阶段所暴露出来的有关鉴定意见适用的问题和对策三大部分展开论述,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。

    This paper from the appraisal conclusion history , appraisal conclusion , the value of the present reated by the relevant appraisal conclusion applicable problems and countermeasures and so on several aspects , this paper discusses the hope can a view to play a valuable role .

  19. 传统的会检案件的方式是多名文检专业人员按照约定的时间汇聚到约定的地点,以面对面的形式,共同对案件进行检验、商讨并得出最终鉴定意见。

    The traditional way that will examine the case is that many documents examine the time according to agreeing on of professional personnel to assemble to the appointed place , by face-to-face form , common to examine , discusses to the case and draws and determines the suggestion finally .

  20. 该成果已经获得鉴定,鉴定意见为国际领先水平。

    The achievement has been obtained identification as an international leading-level research .

  21. 该系统已经通过了国家验收和鉴定,鉴定意见和使用结果表明系统完成了设计要求,达到了预期目标。

    The system has already passed the national inspection and identification . The qualification and utilization results show that the system meets the design requirement , achieves the design target .

  22. 从本质上看,鉴定结论属于专家意见。

    Essentially , Appraisal conclusion is a sort of " expert opinion " .

  23. 为更好理解专家证人的涵义,本文将专家证人与一般证人、鉴定人,专家意见与鉴定结论作了比较分析,避免理解上的混淆。其次,介绍了专家证人的产生。

    To comprehend the meaning of the expert witness more easily , the thesis is compared the expert witness , usual witness with the identifier , the comment of expert with identifying result .

  24. 合理且完善的刑事鉴定启动程序可以促进鉴定意见的客观性与中立性,进而有效实现惩治犯罪分子及保障当事人合法权益的目标,在诉讼中实现实体公正与程序公正。

    Reasonable and perfect criminal appraisal startup procedure can promote appraisal opinions of objectivity and neutrality , and then realizes effectively punishing criminals and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to target , in litigation realize entity justice and procedural justice .

  25. 总结出火灾后厂房主体结构鉴定方法,为同类火灾鉴定提供参考意见。

    The agent structure of factory building accredited methods is presented and it offers the reference for the fact of the similar fire .

  26. 在司法鉴定中占有绝对多数的刑事司法鉴定意见作为证据之王的地位越来越受到重视。但是,刑事司法鉴定制度的完善过程和现状并不是为人们所乐见的。

    The criminal justice expert opinion who occupy the vast majority of forensic is becoming more and more attention as evidence of the king . However , the process of improvement and the status quo of the criminal justice identification system is not for people like to see .

  27. 实践中,司法鉴定人不出庭作证,法庭上仅宣读鉴定意见的现象成为常态,控辩双方的质证权形同虚设。

    In practice , judicial identification did not testify in court , the court only read appraisal opinion phenomenon becomes the norm , the equal right of cross-examination nominal .

  28. 我国刑事司法鉴定还存在着诸如启动权混乱、鉴定管理机构多元、鉴定意见不统一受到多方质疑、鉴定人制度缺陷严重等问题亟待解决。

    Identification of criminal justice in China but also existence such as start chaos , multi-identification of regulatory agencies , expert opinion is not unified by a multi-questioning , the expert witness system defects to be solved .

  29. 本文通过简述某大厦结构安全性鉴定及抗震性能评估过程,介绍结构安全性鉴定方法及处理意见。

    Through the example of structural security appraisal and anti-seismic performance evaluation for a building , the methods of structural security appraisal and anti-seismic performance evaluation for similar engineering are introduced and processing suggestions are put forward .

  30. 司法鉴定,是运用科学技术或者专门知识解决诉讼所涉及的专门性问题并提供鉴定意见的诉讼活动。

    Judicial authentication is the application of science and technology or expertise to resolve the special issues involved in litigation , and provide expert opinions in litigation .