
  • 网络midclavicular line;Mid-clavicular lines
  1. 该手术可以在床边进行。张力性气胸应立即在第二肋间隙、锁骨中线插管降压。

    Tension pneumothorax should be immediately decompressed with a catheter inserted into the second intercostal space , midclavicular line .

  2. 超声波检查:右肋缘下近锁骨中线可见胆囊内液平面波(深约0.3-4.5厘米)提示胆囊增大

    " Ultrasonic examination . Fluid waves of the gallbladder ( at the depth of 3.0-4.5cm ) can be seen under the right costal margin along the mid-clavicular line , indicating enlargement of the gallbladder . Fluoroscopy of the chest showed normal heart and lung "

  3. 结果:锁骨下静脉属支腋静脉与锁骨中线交点距锁骨中点下缘(6.2±1.7)mm;

    Results : The intersection of the axillary vein and the midline of clavicle was 6.2 ± 1.7 mm below the midpoint of clavicle .

  4. 与锁骨下静脉与锁骨下缘的交点处相比,锁骨中线和锁骨中外1/3的探头切面和人体冠状面的夹角大,且差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Compared with junction of the subclavian vein and clavicle , significant difference was detected in the included angle between coronal plane of ultrasound probe in the midclavicular line and foreign two-third of clavicular line ( P0.05 ) .