
  1. 目的制定小儿闰土颗粒质量标准。

    Objective To establish the quality standard of Xiaoer Runtu granule .

  2. 闰土的变化不是困顿与压榨所致,而是封建等级观念造成的隔膜、悲剧。

    The changes of Rong Tu were not the results of hardship and exploitation but he gap and tragedy caused by the feudal hierarchy .

  3. 闰土要香炉和烛台的时候,我还暗地里笑他,以为他总是崇拜偶像,什么时候都不忘却。

    When bissextile earth wants censer and candlestick , I still laugh at him stealthily , think he always is idolatrous , when to forget .