
  • 网络Indirect subsidy
  1. 相比间接补贴,直接补贴政策的环节较少,农民获得的利益更多更直接,补贴的效率更好。

    Compared to indirect subsidies , direct subsidies policy has less working links , much more the interests to the farmers with more direct way , and better efficiency .

  2. 为调动农民种粮积极性,我国于2004年对粮食补贴政策进行了改革,实现了间接补贴阶段向直接补贴为主阶段的转变。

    To mobilize farmers ' passion for growing grain , China took a reform on grain subsidies policy in 2004 , which has achieved the transformation from indirect subsidies to direct subsidies .

  3. 为了间接补贴出口,中国有意将人民币兑美元汇率低估。

    China keeps its renminbi undervalued against the dollar in order indirectly to subsidise its exports .

  4. 2004年以来,变粮食间接补贴为直接补贴的改革成为国内各界关注的新热点。

    Since 2004 , converting indirect allowance to direct allowance becomes a new viewpoint which is concerned by societies .

  5. 补贴政策应该把直接补贴和间接补贴结合起来实行。

    ( Ill ) Direct grain subsidy policy and indirect grain subsidy policy should be performed by being combined .

  6. 但由于原有的市场价格支持等间接补贴政策效率较低,世界上许多国家都已经开始将补贴方式转为直接补贴。

    Because indirect subsidy policies such as market price support are inefficient , many countries changed their way of subsidy to direct subsidy .

  7. 近年来,我国粮食补贴政策发生了巨大变革,对农民的补贴从低效的间接补贴转变为更高效的直接补贴。

    In recent years , grate changes have taken place in the grain subsidy policy , which has changed from indirect method to direct method .

  8. 结合我国的实际情况,建议直接补贴和间接补贴综合实行,并加大间接补贴力度。

    According to the practical situations , China can carry out direct grain subsidy policy and indirect grain subsidy policy comprehensively and strengthen the level of indirect grain subsidy policy .

  9. 从经济学角度利用外部性理论对限定开发商利润率作了分析、利用效率理论对间接补贴与直接补贴方式进行了比较;

    The thesis analyses the limited profitability of developers using externality theory and the difference of " in direct subsidies " and " direct subsidies " using the efficiency theory form the perspective of economics .

  10. 但除此之外,各国提供的间接补贴(指不向能源使用者收取全额的污染费和拥堵费)总计达1.9亿美元(其中40%是由发达国家提供的)。

    But indirect subsidies , where countries do not fully charge energy users for the costs of pollution and congestion , add another $ 1.9tn , with 40 per cent in the developed world , the IMF says .

  11. 极低的利率、低估的货币以及其它直接或者间接的补贴让这些项目看起来经济可行,但这是因为其真正的成本被掩饰了。

    Very low interest rates , an undervalued currency , and other direct and indirect subsidies have made these projects seem viable , but only because the true costs have been disguised .

  12. 按要素成本计算的国内生产总值:按市场价格计算的国内生产总值,减去间接税与补贴之间的差额。

    Gross domestic product at factor cost : The gross domestic product at market prices minus the difference Between indirect taxes and subsidies .

  13. 近年来,市场经济国家(地区)的住房保障制度呈现出一些相同的发展趋势,如间接干预、房租补贴、公房私有、住房金融支持和多种方式并行等。

    Recently , the House Security Institution in some countries ( districts ) with market-directed economy shows some same development tendencies , such as indirect intervention , rent subsidy , privatization of public houses , house financial system and multiple-method running parallel and so on .