
jù jué jiāo yì
  • Reject transaction;boycott
  1. 而与LV同一时期的竞争者要不拒绝交易,隐姓埋名,要不退出市场,从此销声匿迹。

    While Louis Vuitton 's competitors either refused the deal , went into hiding , or went out of business , they stayed afloat .

  2. 在澳大利亚啤酒酿造者委员会拒绝交易两个月之后,SAB米勒将其95亿澳元(约合100亿美元)的股份直接转给了股东。

    SAB Miller took its A $ 9.5 billion ( $ 10 billion ) offer for Fosters directly to shareholders , after two months during which the Australian brewer 's board refused to discuss a deal .

  3. 拒绝交易权的限制问题研究

    Research on Issues about Limitation of Right of Refusal to Deal

  4. 新经济下知识产权人拒绝交易的反垄断法规制

    Antitrust Law 's Regulation of IPR Holder 's Refusal-to-Deal in New Economy

  5. 职业棒球大联盟代表团成员蓓蕾塞利格拒绝交易。

    Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig rejected the deal .

  6. 我们真的会根据我们不应该有的信息拒绝交易吗?

    Do we refuse to trade stocks based on information that we know we aren 't supposed to have ?

  7. 排斥性滥用行为主要表现为以下行为方式:掠夺性定价、歧视、拒绝交易、搭售等等。

    Exclusionary abuses express as follows : Predatory pricing , discrimination , refuse to deal , tying and so on .

  8. 如果顾客输入错误的密码,该程序可以终止购买或者拒绝交易。

    The process can result in shoppers abandoning their purchase or having the transaction declined if they enter the password incorrectly .

  9. 在通常情况下,知识产权人的拒绝交易,并不与社会公共利益发生冲突,因此应当受到法律的尊重和保护。

    Generally , the IPR holders refusal-to-deal does not conflict with the social public interests , so it should enjoy the respect and protection of the law .

  10. 进而对欧盟电信行业中存在的滥用支配地位行为如掠夺性定价、拒绝交易、捆绑与搭售、过高定价一一进行具体分析。

    Then I analyze the abuse behavior in EU telecommunications industries , such as predatory pricing , refusal to deal , tied up and bundled , excessive pricing .

  11. 搭售行为和拒绝交易行为是各国反垄断法均要规制的两种不同的限制竞争或可能限制竞争行为,反垄断法对其有不同的分析规则和判断方法。

    As two distinct activities that may potentially eliminate competition , tying arrangements and refusals to deal are regulated separately by the antitrust laws of most countries and regions .

  12. 本文从拒绝交易权的分类出发,探讨反垄断法限制拒绝交易权行使的具体情形和限制拒绝交易权行使需要注意的几个问题。

    Based on categories of right of refusal to deal , this essay makes attempt in probing into specific issues of limitation of right of refusal to deal and some matters needing attention from antitrust law .

  13. 为了防止市场主体滥用拒绝交易权,损害实质的公平和正义,反垄断法从维护竞争的角度对市场主体的拒绝交易权进行了限制。

    In order to refrain from abusing business entities right of refusal to deal and destroying substantial justice , business entities right of refusal to deal will be limited in the view of maintaining competition by the antitrust law .

  14. 滥用市场支配地位的规制重点分析了捆绑销售、拒绝交易、附加不合理条件交易、禁止进入关键设施、滥用标准等网络经济中典型的的滥用市场支配地位行为。

    In the abuse of dominant market position part , we analysis many behaviors , including bundling , refusals to deal , unreasonable conditions , attached transactions , prohibit from entering the key facilities , abuse of the network economy standards .

  15. 即便对方的报价很有吸引力,他们也有可能拒绝进行交易。

    They may refuse to trade , even when offered attractive prices

  16. tpg的代表拒绝对此交易置评。

    TPG representatives refused to comment on the deal .

  17. 如果雅虎拒绝此次交易,那么阿里巴巴和软银或将按照我们之前讨论的,和私募基金贝恩资本(BainCapital)以及百仕通集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)合作,联手收购雅虎。

    Were Yahoo to reject the deal , then Alibaba and Softbank may proceed with a previously-discussed bid to buy all of Yahoo , in concert with private equity firms Bain Capital and the Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  18. Summly和雅虎拒绝对交易的条款置评。

    Summly and Yahoo refused to comment on the deal 's terms .

  19. 银行高管拒绝透露交易中Unibanco的估值。

    The executives declined to reveal a valuation for Unibanco 's shares in the deal .

  20. 本月早些时候,对于雅虎规划已久的阿里巴巴股份处置方案的命运,人们的怀疑大大增加。当时,该公司披露美国国税局(InternalRevenueService,IRS)拒绝在交易前发出信件,确认此次交易将不会被课税。

    Doubts about the fate of Yahoo 's long-planned disposal of its Alibaba stake , currently worth some $ 22bn , were heightened earlier this month when it revealed that the Internal Revenue Service had declined to issue a letter in advance of the deal confirming that it would be tax-free .

  21. 他拒绝对交易价值置评。

    He declined to comment on the value of the deal .

  22. 没有正当理由,拒绝与交易相对人进行交易;

    Refusing to trade with a trading party without any justifiable cause ;

  23. 面对此类情况,我会直接拒绝这笔交易。

    In such circumstances , I just turn the deal down flat .

  24. 兰塞姆中心和他的家人都拒绝透露交易价格。

    Both the Ransom Center and the family declined to provide the price of the deal .

  25. 本周,中国黄金拒绝谈论交易可能达成的时间或者价格。

    China gold this week declined to discuss the timing or value of a possible deal .

  26. 至此,这是一个非常明显的信号,表示银行拒绝此类交易。

    It is the clearest sign yet that banks are refusing to do business with each other .

  27. 这是桩不公平交易,但是,这也是众多社交游戏公司无法拒绝的交易。

    It 's a raw deal , but it 's one the social game companies can 't decline .

  28. 智利国脚萨拉斯拒绝作为交易的一部分,所以这笔交易最终流产。

    Chilean striker Marcelo Salas rejected the chance to head for Sporting in part-exchange and the deal was scuppered .

  29. 当进入我们系统时,如果某个经推荐的交易违反了客户的指导方针,那么分配系统就会拒绝这个交易进入系统。

    When entered into our system , the allocation system will reject a recommended trade if it violates a client guideline .

  30. 熊维平拒绝将交易失败归咎于澳大利亚政府。力拓的大部分矿产业务都在澳大利亚。

    Mr Xiong refused to blame the failure of the deal on the government in Australia , where most of Rio Tinto 's mining operations are .