
  • 网络Yanggao County
  1. 阳高县FILTER污水土地处理系统应用效果分析

    Analysis on Applied Effect of FILTER System in Yanggao County

  2. 阳高县农村饮水安全问题的探讨

    Probe into the Problem of Rural Drinking Water Safety of Yanggao County

  3. 阳高县蔬菜产地土壤重金属含量调查与评价

    Investigation and Assessment of Heavy Metal Content in Vegetable Plantations Soil in Yanggao

  4. 山西省阳高县许家窑出土了大量的石球。

    A large number of stone balls were unearthed in xujiayao , Yanggao county , Shanxi province .

  5. 从规划、标准、质量、管护、政策扶持和市场运作等方面介绍了阳高县沼气池建设的实践。

    This paper introduces the practices of methane tank construction in Yangao County from the aspects of planning , standard , quality , maintenance , policy support and market operation .

  6. 山西阳高县北部三镇庙宇及庙会,在90年代之后依旧艰难的村民生活中,于情理之中迅速复兴。

    Since the 1990s , amidst the chronically harsh conditions of peasants ' lives , temples and temple fairs in the three northern districts of Yanggao county in Shanxi province have been rapidly and systematically reviving .

  7. 在山西阳高县进行的田间试验结果表明:播种均匀性变异系数为1.1,种肥深度合格率92.5%,种肥间距合格率85.7%,平均除草率92.3%。

    The field tests approved that the variation coefficient of seeding uniformity was about 1.1 , the eligible rate of depths for seeds and fertilizer 925 % , the eligible rate of the interval between them 857 % , and the average successful weeding rate 923 % respectively .